Stiffening Plate / Brace ... Which one? *Links* Looking to make my 06' Prius handle better on crazy Freeways of Los Angeles.... Under Brace Plates 1.'s ( Tanabe ) 2-Point Under Brace: Toyota Prius Under Brace and Prius Chassis Stiffener - Improve Prius ride $119.00 + Shipping 2. Tanabe's 4-Point Under Brace: Tanabe USA Inc. - Sustec Under Brace 3. Ebay's G7 Stiff Plate: Toyota Prius G7 Performance Stiffening Plate 2004-2009: eBay Motors (item 120610203805 end time Aug-17-10 20:06:35 PDT) $29.99 + Shipping 4.'s Stiff Plate: Chassis Stiffener, Improve Prius Ride Quality and Handling: $139.00 + Shipping ----- Strut Tower Braces 1. Cusco: Toyota Prius 2010 ZVW30 Performance, Handling & Electronic Accessories :: Sigma Automotive 2. Tanabe: Prius Strut Tower Bar - Prius Strut Brace - Improve Prius Handling $129.95 + Shipping 3. Tanabe ( again ): Tanabe Sustec Tower Bar TOYOTA PRIUS 2005 - 2009 TTB151F $118.00 + Shipping 4. BT: Prius Strut Tower Brace - Improve Prius Handling $279.00 + Shipping ----- Thanks all
I can offer a negative endorsement. In the 2 months before I owned Ebay's G7 Stiff Plate I would occasionally find odd cross winds that scared me, in the 12 months since I have owned it, no such crosswind has scared me. I can not state with any authority that I would have been scared without it, but I feel it was worthwhile personally.
Doesn't look to my like Tanabe offers a 4 point for the Prius, all I see on the Tanabe site are 2 point braces for $98. I've got the chassis stiffening plate and the solid 24mm rear sway bar and I'm very impressed with the handling improvements and recommend both.