45MPG is really not that bad on a 2010 Prius. In general I do about 50-54MPG on an average with my 2010 Prius with my tire pressure set at 40psi (Front) & 38psi (Rear). You may want to check your 12volt battery if you are getting really low MPG's. Other than that....check your tire pressure often (don't trust tire shops!), keep your A/C low, keep overall weight low, and generally keep the Prius between 35 to 45MPH (streets) and 55 to 65MPH (highways). Oh I forgot, I use a fuel system cleaner every 10,000 miles.
So, there's sure to be lots of room to improve! No one with you or around you needs to know you are using most techniques. Read the "Beating the EPA" article at cleanmpg.com for generic stuff. Then read the Tao of HSI by Hobbit here: HSI to learn pulse & glide. Seriously, just airing up the tires and learning to conserve momentum will do wonders for city mpg. Speed kills highway mpg, but acceleration kills city mpg (not so much the rate of acceleration, but the number of times).
For all the people over-inflating their tires, are any of you driving the Prius V? I wonder how this would impact the lower profile tires.
tire pressure is tire pressure. Shouldn't impact anything except its more critical to keep low profile tires pressures up in order for it to absorb impacts and such...
I've been running mine at about 42/40. Still below the sidewall rating, though I know that doesn't stop people from going higher...
I have a 5 mile commute to work with rolling hills totaling ~700 ft of cumulative elevation change. I get about 45 mpg average. The trip to work with overall elevation drop and AC off , I avg. 55 mpg (record was 61.3). The trip back home with overall elevation gain and AC on, i avg. 35mpg. Having to stop at traffic lights at the bottom of hills, get back up to speed going up hill and stop AGAIN at the peak really kills the MPG. On highway, and longer drives, I have no trouble getting to 50 mpg.
I don't know how slow you guys drive. I put the car on cruise at 75mph, I have never seen it go above 45mpg.
Mid 40's at 75 mph seems about right. I won't be testing that though; our maximums are 70, and the better mpgs are clearly at the slower speeds.
90% of my driving is on two lane roads (long dead flat straightaways) I pass about as many vehicles as pass me, I do 61 in a 55.
[ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=US-49+N&daddr=34.203,-90.570259&geocode=FcVlBwId4amb-g%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=12&sll=34.176873,-90.470009&sspn=0.183201,0.363579&ie=UTF8&ll=34.02421,-90.43808&spn=0.083088,0.363579&z=12&layer=c&cbll=34.024259,-90.438142&panoid=XnmS1zBDFmax_ZzNr6eeOw&cbp=11,277.78,,0,5"]US-49 N to Desoto Ave - Google Maps[/ame] This also supports my claim that I pass as many as pass me, this road is infested with farm equipment.
Well, that seems improbable given the people who cruise at that speed on cruise control and routinely get 60 mpg or better! I am sure you are doing something wrong (as am I) because no one makes up stuff on the internet!
Gas is overpriced right now based on market conditions. Look for a substantial drop beginning right after labor day. It will go up eventually, but not until world economies improve.