The (only) annoying squeak/rattle I have in mine is the crackling center armrest - when putting weight from your right elbow. It's a quite cheap assembly, and one (unfortunately) that is indicative of most interior plastic pieces - the only less-than-very-happy part of the entire '10 Prius. I had my car into the dealer once for the first oil change and lumbar support fix. I also had the console pad crackle on the list. Shocker... still had the issue after the dealer service. I hate to bring the car in for only this issue - considering the time and potential for the service guy scratching or messing up. Is there a simple way to remove the top hinged/sliding console cover so I can correct the problem? I searched the Gen 3 forum - nothing comes up - I really don't want to remove the entire console, just the cover, unless that's the only way...
The lumbar issue/Thread - here's the link, now updated in the main Gen III forum.
Attached below is the install instructions for the USB interface kit, which includes removing the center armrest console. Doesn't show how to remove just the cover.
I just reviewed the process for removing the center console so thank you stream for the pdf. To address Dean's issue: once you remove the console (note that felt covers the bottom 4 bolts), you should put plumber's grease (silicon) on the 8 "claws" and anywhere else the center console makes contact with the sky-bridge console. Be careful not to get that grease on any cloth parts as it will stain them (i.e. seats or console cover). That should get rid of the squeaks. I plan to do so myself once it cools off here. While I'm at it, I'm going to try a mod to add a center console light. Also, I'd like to add a bulb that comes on with headlights to provide a bit of light to the storage area under the sky-bridge and the same bulb could provide some light to the main cup holder. I would put a cyan (blueish) filter so the lighting would match the dash.
This is kind of off topic, but after looking at the USB Installation Instructions, I wonder if the USB Port could be relocated to under the bridge where the blank is for the heated seat switch (which I don't have). Sure seems like it would be easier to get to and not get buried under stuff kept in the center console. Personally I find the center console usless because I'd have to empty it to connect my iPod, having the port out and accessible seems much smarter. Looks like there would be enough cable, I just wonder if the port and the blank fit the same size hole?
yes it is totally off topic... its easier to just leave the cable plugged into the console and have it hanging out or route it to the lower tray under the console bridge.
Hi all, I can't find these instructions, getting a 404 error. Anyone know why this link is broken or how to find these details? Thank you, BH