Better Business Bureau Response

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by lt1jane, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. lt1jane

    lt1jane New Member

    May 15, 2005
    Appleton, Wisconsin
    I have posted a lot of replies encouraging others NOT to do business with Coastal Electronics. I did and am sorry to have wasted my money and my effort. I encourage others to go to other more reputable sites to find their accessories. The lack of customer service from Coastal Electronics stinks.

    I have filed complaints with the Florida Attorney General and the Florida Better Business Bureau.

    I ordered two things from Coastal Electronics (EV Kit and Power Outlet Mod). I paid for both and only received one. To date, I have never received a refund from Coastal Electronics and they failed to respond to the fact that I never received one of their products. I e-mailed them to let them know that I didn't receive my power outlet mod and that my EV kit wasn't working. In their respone to me, they ignored the fact that they didn't send me my complete order and told me to send the EV kit back. It now works so I didn't.

    In a letter dated September 30th, the Florida BBB had this to say:

    "We are closing your complaint filed against the company due to its failure to provide the Bureau with a response. As a result, we are unable to assist further at this time.

    "Please be advised, the information you have provided will be maintained in the Bureau's file for a minimum of three (3) years. The company's report will indicate the file contains an unanswered complaint presented by the Bureau. If we believe that another agency may be of help we will have enlosed a referral.

    "We appreciate your use of the BBB. Remember, you may obtain business reliability reports online at or by calling
    (407) 621-3300 and entering the company's 10 digit telephone number. An 800 or 888 area code is accepted by our system."

    I have done my part to let others know about the lack of business ethics practiced by Coastal Dave/Coastal Electronics. I'd love to see others follow through and do the same.

    While this site was down, I discovered that has Coastal Dave as one of their moderators. He didn't respond to angry posts there either. I may have to post my response from the BBB there too. Then I know Dave will most likely see it. Nasty? A bit, but he ripped me off and I want others to know what happened and how he runs a business. My money is better spent at other businesses
  2. moneytrain8

    moneytrain8 New Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Joppa, MD
    I ordered the XM kit and the EV kit. They shipped Friday, and are supposedly "OUT FOR DELIVERY" from UPS... So we'll see what is there when I get home. Some of the posts I've seen make me fearful.
  3. baxsie

    baxsie Member

    Jul 10, 2005
    Spokane, WA
    I ordered mud flaps, and finally got them after a long and silent wait.

    I had already heard about the "lack of communications" from Coastal, so I did not stress. But at times I was thinking I should have ordered them somewhere else.

    Coastal must have no idea how much damage they are doing to their reputation. It would be a fairly easy job for them to use something like WorldMerge to e-mail all the customers with outstanding orders once a week and just say: "We know about your order, you have not been charged, sorry for the delay, call or e-mail if you want to cancel". That is all it would take to keep customers feeling good.

    It is sad that they will not go to that effort.
  4. jayselle

    jayselle Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    2011 Prius
    Then people should quit doing business with them. We now know how terrible they are, therefore, I will never buy anything from them.
  5. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    I order an Auto-Lock and an NAV kit back in April. I did make contact with them in July, and I was told the Auto-Lock was on back order, but they were surprised I hadn't gotten one yet. I got an email in September saying the Auto-Lock would be shipping shortly. It finally arrived a couple of weeks later.

    Back before I got the Prius (this is back in April) I was on a Yahoo list. Obviously I had never done business with Coastal. Coastal's web site went down and people were speculating what had happened. I mentioned that I had once dealt with an online company (ICONS Replicas) that took your money, never sent the items and went out of business. I merely said that I HOPED Coastal wasn't like that and I was flamed! Dave even sent an email saying how dare I compare them with that other company. One person said my sort of talk could put them out of business. Another said that since I was a newbie (ie had jumped on the Prius bandwagon in 2005 rather than being there for the beginning) it was understandable. They actually said that if you thought of the Prius comunity as a village, Dave would be the mayor. I guess if you go against the mayor you get put in the stocks. I had to apologize to Dave and the group.
  6. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    When I tell people about Priuschat, I tell them that we discuss the car, modifications, and have vendors who specialize in Prius accessories. Sometimes I tell them that we praise the really good ones and tell people to stay away from the bad ones.

    It's never fun to shun someone or advise others to stay clear. Especially someone who is held in such high regard on another Prius forum. And while I know there are people who have been pleased with their dealings, the experiences provided here and the other posts I've read dealing with slow service and lack of communication do tend to speak for themselves.
  7. lt1jane

    lt1jane New Member

    May 15, 2005
    Appleton, Wisconsin
    Which Group was that? I'll post this there and I WON'T apologize. Dave doesn't deserve it. If he goes out of business, his crummy business practices put him in that position and he deserves it.
  8. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    My opinion of Coastaletech and of Dave himself have changed a lot over the past year. I met Dave a few months after getting my Prius in 2003 at an Orlando GTG. Met his wife and kid and found them all to be charming, enthusiastic and genuine people.

    I still think they are good people, but with terrible business sense.

    I initially defended Dave and Coastal because what he was doing was unique, a personal project and an effort to help provide things to the Prius community. I think his desire to do that is still there. I think his means of making it happen, perhaps his motivation for doing the things that need to be done to make it come to fruition are lacking.

    But ultimately, what's truely done him in, is what does in so many businesses, relationships and other endevours--terrible communication. If, when he first figured out that the 2G Prius was going to be something totally above and beyond what the 1G Prius was in so many ways and that he and Kelley could no longer handle the volume of orders and e-mails coming in then he should have either scaled back the business to such a level that they could handle it or they should have hired a HS kid for $7/hour for a few hours a day to respond to e-mails and sort the wheat from the chafe. He didn't and still hasn't.

    His affiliation with the online community has decreased to the point that it's nearly non-existant...he essentially abandoned his 'moderator' roll at POL within a week or two after it was granted. He returns once every 3-4 months to give a volatile response that is extremely defensive to those who deign to critize him.

    Almost a year ago I wrote him a personal e-mail politely letting him know the tone of the community and politely suggesting ways he could respond to put folks at reply to me personally or online.

    I think Dave's a good guy, but at this point he should probably shut his site down, send an e-mail to those with existing orders asking if they want to cancel or keep their order if he actually expects to have the product and apologizing to those who ordered products that have never appeared and he doesn't expect to have any time in the near future.

    The OP's experience with Dave is an exception...he generally didn't charge anyone until their product was shipped. I don't think what he did was intentional, but probably an oversite compounded by the poor ability to address problems such as missing products when they occured.

    I just don't think Dave has anyone to blame but himself for this situation.

    I was promised a brake/engine run indicator over 18 months ago, was told it was even put together...but it never shipped. I ordered the Nav 'enhancement' kit almost a year ago (was it Jan or Feb?)...nothing, but the product is still up on the site.

    I think it's a sad loss. I don't have any hostility toward Dave as others seem to...perhaps b/c I know he's a good person. But I think the way he's operating his business is deplorable.
  9. datavortex

    datavortex New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
    Atlanta, Georgia, USA
    As I have posted previously, I ordered the Nav Kit and Door Lock thingie back in July. To my complete shock, I actually got an email from Kelley just 6 days ago! She asked if I still wanted my door lock thing (ignoring the nav kit). I replied 3 minutes after she sent her message saying yes, and giving her my phone number to call for payment info.

    Haven't heard back. Sent yet another email and even called a coulpe times. Nothing.

    I remain apalled, but if she calls I'm giving her a credit card number, because I really want my auto lock thing. Credit card, mind you not debit! Credit cards you can dispute charges on for 30 days.
  10. MBranstein

    MBranstein New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
    Prospect, KY
    2006 Prius
    Since joining the community over here at PriusChat, I've seen Coastal Dave's reputation go from "somewhat annoyed" to "utter disappointment".

    It truly is sad.

    In light of our complaints, where are the alternative vendors for purchasing NAV kits, door-lock kits, etc.?

    Perhaps someone should start a new thread.
  11. Seaside Harry

    Seaside Harry Junior Member

    Aug 20, 2005
    Chesapeake, VA
    2014 Prius v wagon
    Actually, you have 60 days from the time they send you the credit card statement showing that charge, but you must dispute it in writing. The credit card company must send you written acknowledgement within 30 days of receiving your correspondence. They must settle the dispute within 2 billing cycles or 90 days, whichever is sooner.

  12. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime

    Messages to read that pertain to what I was talking about are #s 32837 (the start), 33219, 33223, 33237 (mine), 33242, 33250 (mine), 33256 (Dave), 33263, 33266 (city comment), 33292, 33293, 33294, 33296, 33302, 33307, 33111, 33331 and 33337.

    Of those 33237, 33250, 33256, 33266 and 33302 have the most info. The rest are questions about why Coastal's site is down and in defense of the great service they got from them.
  13. BMcGraw

    BMcGraw Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    Southern California
    I also consider what I had a relationship with Coastal be it long distance. I talked to Kelley EVERY day for weeks on end last Spring I actually talked to Dave on the phone March 25th who informed me that the ViewTech 2005 units were finally on their way from Europe (where they were being assembled) to Florida. They were passing through California "as we spoke". I jokingly said, "Too bad they couldn't drop one off at my house on the way through." He laughed... He then told me it would be shipping in about two weeks.

    I of course believed him and purchased a JVC KD-DV5100 GigaMp3 DVD player to attach to the ViewTech. At this rate it will be out of warranty before I find out if it is even compatible. (THANKS DAVE!!! )

    Kelley told me in early June that it would be two weeks or less. (She has since told me that she was just trying to keep my "hopes up".)

    I've been told more than once that I'm the first one on the list. I feel so much better knowing that.

    Unfortunately what they've "done" (to me) isn't breaking the law but DOES seem to warrant a severe lashing of some sort. (almost in jest)

    Thanks for your input Doc.

    One day someone well come up with a ViewTech "look-alike-contest-winner". B)
  14. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    [Broken External Image]:
  15. Jay105000

    Jay105000 New Member

    Sep 21, 2005

    Too sad that this happened to Coastal, we need that entrepeneur spirit and services and more gadgetsfor our cars. The demand is there though.
  16. lt1jane

    lt1jane New Member

    May 15, 2005
    Appleton, Wisconsin
    I received another letter from the Florida BBB today. It contained Coastal Dave's response:

    The item in question was included in the order and was received in the shipment. Customer stated it was not-in the interest of customer service-we refunded $10 to his credit card. Again-prior to notification of this complaint.

    He was given free shipping as compensation for the delay in receiving his backordered item. He was informed it was backordered but wanted it for a trip. Again, free shipping is NOT a requirement and was provided in the interest of customer service. Credit given 9/02/05 prior to notification.

    First of all, if the item was included in the package, I would not have contacted them and notified them it was not. Having a small business ourselves, I know how easy it is to ship the wrong package to the wrong person. Whoever got my package got a freebie. That's business.

    I realize that free shipping was not required, but it was the least they could do to try to appease an unhappy customer who had to wait for without any notification from them as to the status of my order.

    By the way, I WAS NEVER informed that anything was on backorder when I placed my order and subsequent phone calls and e-mails were never answered.

    I filed my complaint with the BBB on 8/26/05, that is BEFORE 9/02. I believe I would not have gotten my money back if I had not filed the complaint. Also, they NEVER bothered to notify me that they were refunding my money. Thanks again Dave.

    My advice, spend your money elsewhere. To those suckers, like myself, who didn't- file a complaint.

    By the way, I had to go through my bank records to find the refund. I was never even sent an e-mail letting me know about my refund!! When I first read their reply, I didn't believe them because neither my husband nor myself knew about the refund. What a sad story.
  17. Bill Lumbergh

    Bill Lumbergh USAF Aircraft Maintainer

    Jul 5, 2005
    2005 Prius
    I ordered mud flaps In August and have heard nothing, nor do I expect to hear anything. Someday my credit card will be charged and I'll get a confirmation email, but until that day, I'll keep waiting.
  18. PriusChef

    PriusChef New Member

    Oct 12, 2005
    I'm confused... isn't his site still up? Also-- I know that people have received the EV switch from Coastal Dave-- but has ANYONE received this NAV KIT that he sells?

    Is anyone familiar with his operation? I mean... does he really make all of this stuff, or does he just dream it up, put it on his website, and get a sense of how much interest there might be?

    I'm still waiting on a NAV KIT, but from the looks of it... I guess I may never get it. I would think if he made even ONE kit a week he could make some progress or something. Are these things just so complicated to make that he can't ship one out? Sounds to me like he could be running a pretty lucrative and profitable business if he had half a brain about him.
  19. MBranstein

    MBranstein New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
    Prospect, KY
    2006 Prius
    I've been thinking about starting my own Prius component business online. My wife works for the Economic Development Center in our area, which provides free small-business owner consultations and business planning sessions. With that in mind, I know where to go for business advice and planning from the get-go.

    I'm technically capable and can even design software for any components. Start-up costs are minimal - you're really only paying for your time spent making components and website hosting. I'm sure I could get some cheap website hosting and since I'm a software developer, creating an innovative website would be a fun weekend project for me. All I'm missing is a local partner in crime, which will give me some additional motivation.

    Anyone in the Cleveland, Ohio area interested in researching this further with me?
  20. moneytrain8

    moneytrain8 New Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Joppa, MD

    Yesterday I got my XM radio kit and the EV kit from CoastalTech. I waited about a month to get it, but I knew about the wait, because I asked them to send me the XM kit after they got more of the "1 year" free service cards from XM.

    Anyway, everything came in good order, and came with all the docs and manuals needed.

    I put the XM in last night. Took me close to two hours, but that's mainly because I forgot that someone said it was easier to get to the back of the radio through the glove box, and I couldn't fit my massive paw through the air vent way described in the manual.

    So, not to make anyone who is still waiting for something from them even more agitated, but everything seemed to work out fine in this transaction.
