I am having the hardest time getting my blue tooth enabled cell phone (treo 650) to communicate with my blue tooth enabled Prius. If anybody has any ideas or solutions, I sure would appreciate it. Thanks Cindy
In the event you don't get any immediate responses, use the search function at the top of the page (typing "treo 650" will work just fine). I believe this has been discussed before in several threads. Good luck!
If your Treo is fully updated with all the palm updates, it should sync just fine with the Prius. Can't help you more without at least a start at a specific description of a problem. Can you tell us what you have tried, and where it didn't work?
Your Treo 650 needs the latest version of code. I am using Verizon, and needed to upgrade to Version 1.04 of the phone's code to get the proper HF profile on the phone. Put your Treo into Bluetooth Discovery mode, and follow the manuals procedure to enter the Bluetooth setup mode on the Prius. After your Treo discovers the Prius, select it and then enter the BT passcode. The Treo will attach to the Prius then say it's ready and setup complete. BUT... the Prius will still say "waiting" (with only the "Cancel" button as an option). Immediately make a phone call from your Treo. Only then will the Prius BT complete and acknowledge the discovery procedure. After your done with this procedure, make sure you go back into the Prius's BT setup procedure and choose the BT profile you just setup. The Prius can store up to 4 BT profiles, and you need to choose the one you just created even though it may be the only one. I didn't do this at first, and was only able to make one call. The Prius will now recognize the Treo each time you get in the car, and BT is enabled on the Treo. I have been using it for a few days now and it works great. I would be interested in knowing if anyone knows how to override the BT dialing shutoff that happens once the car is in motion. I know there is an override procedure for the NAV system, but I haven't been able to find it for the phone.