What a bummer! I discovered this site a couple of months ago, and found it to be really helpful and informative. At that time there was very little info available about the '06 models available. I just came back to the site today, thinking that there would be a lot of info about the '06's now. It looks like I was just a couple of days too late! As I am now seriously considering getting a Prius, I'd like to learn as much as I can about it. Perhaps one of you very knowledgable folks out there would consider starting one or more new PC threads, as a place to talk about / learn about the latest Prius news? I am most interested in feature lists, option packages, colors, 2006 pricing, etc. Unfortunately, the info I'd like to see may repeat what was previously posted and now lost, but I say let's get the ball rolling again. Thanks all!
FYI, I noticed the day of the crash that a forum topic of priuschat.com was linked on www.digg.com (I read that site, and this site, daily). Perhaps that caused a huge spike in traffic, and the ensuing problems. Good luck! Solar Hydro
Not the first time it's been offered and ... Question is, is priuschat the only one that regularly crashes, or does PriusOnline does also? Where's the post-mortem of what's being done (or not) at one place that's different from other places? We understand Danny only has so much time to maintain the site, but is that an issue too? At what level should we expect this site to run at? At the amateur level, or higher with the amount of traffic it's getting? Maybe set up donations to option managed tech support?
In the vein of noticing "suspicious" occurences that may have contributed to the crash, I recall the member "google.com" was online several times prior to the crash.
<_< I looked for my post regarding the very bad experience I had with Conicelli Toyota in Conshohocken, PA and could not find it. Was this lost in this event do you think? Should I repost it? Thanks
I would be interested in hearing about it. I bought from Conicelli Toyota in Springfield, Delaware County, PA. {are they related?} So far I've not had any problems. The purchase went smoothly, the salesman was decent, I paid MSRP, no glitches. Brought the car back for a no charge alignment a few days later, which was done cheerfully and quickly, and the service manager came out and told me what was done. My Prius has been in for the 5K service: the oil was overfilled, but the tire pressure was set to my request. The mechanic and the service coordinator were courteous and seemed to care about my concerns when I brought the car back due to the oil over-fill, even though the mechanic said it would be alright, and that next time he would remember not to use 4 quarts, but the actual spec of 3.9. (I know that that will also be too full). I ended up removing the excess oil myself, next time I'm taking 3.5 qrts. of Mobil 1, for them to use.
Yes, they share the same ownership. I'm glad you did not have an experience like mine. <_< As I point out in my post, it appears that they are probably fairly efficient if they don't screw things up. I just reposted the topic: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=11322
Kiloran, Thanks for the re-post. Sorry you had such a bad time. I guess I was lucky that my Conicelli experience was good (so far), but then, there weren't any hiccups to the process.
I have used www.hostsave.com for several years already for a couple of websites, and have been pretty satisfied with them. I do not have a very high trafficed site, and I do not use a lot of the available resources, so not sure how relevant my experience is to priuschats' needs. Once in a while the site is slow, or perhaps even down (??), but I guess that is true of all of them. They respond to my questions with approx. 48 hours. Their prices have been great, too. Check their site to see what resources you get. If you should decide to use them, please put me in for whatever goodies I get for the reference. But really, they have been quite good. Rena Tishman www.adventureplus.org