Some ambiguity as to which thread, but here goes. 2nd day as Prius 3 owner. Driving yesterday in bright sunlight I found I could not read the nav map at all .. seemed black. The instrument cluster also difficult to read. I see there are "awnings" for the nav display. Are those effective? What about that large cluster display? Any way of making it brighter when the sun is beating in?
Do you drive with your lights(headlights or parking) on? If so, make sure the dimmer is turned up all the way until you feel a click.
Have you tried changing the brightness and contrast on the Nav Screen? It helped a bit on mine. Also, the display on the dash is controlled by the wheel to the left of the steering wheel, make sure you have that turned up. Don't turn it all the way till it clicks though or your Nav screen will not automatically switch to night mode when it gets dark. Do you drive with your lights on all the time? When you turn your lights on it dims the dash display.
It is very difficult to read the nav screen when the sun glares off it. The hood that is sold as a solution is hardly usable. It doesn't really fit without some sanding and then it needs some additional shading as it lets light leak (at least the one I bought did). But it is better than nothing. Just a little better than nothing, in my opinion.
paul58 asks if I have changed the brightness and contrast on the NAV screen. HOW do I do that? That is really what this post is about .. how do I brighten up both the NAV screen and the "information cluster display" high up on the 2010 Prius III
Yes stream, I have read the manual and perhaps missed the spot(s). Can you please be more helpful and direct me to where it describes EXACTLY how to brighten up both the NAV display and the Information Cluster? Not sure why you would post such an unhelpful reply, to tell you the truth. There is a lot of information to assimilate and these are not the best written manuals that I have come across. If I had them in electronic form, I could search on keywords. As it is, the indexes are pretty minimal.
I think you can still download the manual at the site listed in post 86 here
On my electronic copy of the Owner's Manual, the brightness control for the instrument panel is shown on page 184; it's the dial to the left of the steering wheel, near the side mirror adjustments. If you drive with your headlights on during the day, you'll probably want to turn this all the way up, and then a little bit more (it clicks) - without going all the way up with the headlights on, the displays dim. To get the Nav screen controls (page 32 of my electronic nav manual), hit the Disp button on the bottom right corner of the Nav unit. There's brightness and contrast, as well as a Day Mode button - this keeps the screen brighter (white background versus black background) even when the headlights are on. Day mode is also enabled when turning the instrument brightness all the way up, past the click.
I was trying to be helpful. It looks like you were expecting me to find the pages in the manuals that contain the instructions, and post the info for you. Sorry--you have very high expectations.
Thanks macman408 .. this was very helpful. I think part of my problem is the terminology of the manual(s). We have "information cluster" and 'instrument panel" in the manual and the reality of the Prius is .. nav screen, various indicators on what would have been the dashboard in another car and then the "information cluster" that is on top of the dash. My problem was finding a way of brightening that "information cluster". I had played with the dial described on page 184 while my car was stationary, but saw no difference in the brightness of the "information cluster". I will do some experimentation with the dial, my head lamps etc. while moving. So, please correct me IF the information cluster is NOT controlled by that dial and the headlights.