Hey, So I've had my prius for a few months now, and loving it but there's one niggling "bug" I can't seem to work out, which is irritating the hell out of me. When I put a CD into the drive, it does a gracenote search, doesn't find anything (ok new cd, thats normal) so then scans the CD-Text of the CD, it does have CD-Text so it displays th enames of all tracks and titles FANTASTIC! So I press record, select all the tracks (by name), click ok and then wait 2 seconds and when it starts recording it comes up UNTITLED, Unknown Artist. It just told me the titles, and the artist! But when recording it seems to forget the cd had cd-text and just displays unknown artist / unknown title for all the tracks. Does anyone else have htis problem, or a fix for this problem? Thanks! mitch
Some of the non-U.S. Prius have hard drive audio systems which allow CD ripping to the hard drive. I assume the OP has one of these, but since he didn't update his profile we can only guess. I always find it interesting when people post a question without giving all of the required information. Tom
UK Prius have a SatNav option that uses a Hard Drive to store the SatNav info. It also allows you to rip CDs to spare space on the hard drive. Never used it myself, as the same spec vehicle accepts DVDs with MP3 files on - so much less hassle that way. May be the same in Europe?
Hiya, Sorry going to update the profile now The prius is the EU edition and does come with the hard disk option (Athough I'm now thinking of ripping it out and putting my own unit in since it appears to be pretty crap). I didn't realise it accepted DVDs I thought it was just CD MP3's so I'll give that a try now Thanks! mitch
One minor blemish on the DVD handling is that the head unit we have only handles the first 255 tracks on the disc. So for me that is roughly 2GIG. Still is better than ripping, or swaping MP3 CDs!