Hey guys, just wondering if anyone lives in New York and have a Clean Air Pass sticker? Where did you guys put your clean pass sticker on the prius? I don't want to put it on and look horrible lol. Any suggestions? Pics would be appreciated. Thanks!
You MUST put the clean air sticker where you are instructed to, or else you can get a ticket. Placement is not an option. To get more info (and be prepared for busy signals or no answer): Applications will only be taken over the phone, by calling the State Department of Motor Vehicles at 1 (518) 486-9786, menu option 7, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Upon application approval, DMV will mail the stickers with instructions to the registered owner of the vehicle. Have your NYS vehicle registration card available to provide information to the DMV representative. There is no fee for the stickers. After the application is approved, your Clean Pass vehicle stickers and information about the program will arrive by mail within 10 days. The complete page is here: https://www.nysdot.gov/programs/clean-pass
Nah, there is no problem. They send you 4 stickers I only put 1 of the small ones in the back bumper. I've used the HOV lane a million times with that sticker. You are gonna be totally fine. Cops have better things to do than pick on you whether you have 1 or 4 stickers.
Good to know that you've never been pulled over. Because I think the NY Clean Pass stickers are unsightly (but not horrendously ugly like the California HOV sticker), I was thinking of putting on only one sticker (the larger one) on the required rear bumper location as well. It really does seem to me that the other 3 required locations are 99.99% useless from a law enforcement point of view.
I have all 4 stickers on the location suggested. The locations were designed to be visible from all the angles. If the cops are waiting at the lane divider, they will be seeing you approach and the front / driver's side corner is useful. Sometimes the cop car blend in the "normal" lanes to look for HOV violations. In that rare case, the stickers on the rear / passenger side corner helps.
It is almost impossible to get some one at (518) 486-9786. There should be an online way like everything else.
Call a 8 AM sharp and you will get a timely response. The answered on the third ring when I called. You need the hard copy of the registration that you received from the DMV.
I put them where instructed. Why give them a reason to pull you over? I certainly looks better than a Obama/Biden 08 bumper sticker Hoping for a change in 2012
I think the stickers are the most beautiful looking things I've ever seen. I save over 1 hr each day commuting...the stickers could have a, 'Support Joe McCarthy', and I'd still put them on.
What surprised me the most is the fact that the Volt is not eligible due to its emission's rating. I would hate to be a Volt owner in New York!
I was thinking about buying a Volt, but given the fact that it is NOT eligible, I didn't consider it any longer. The truth is that the Prius is the only viable car for the HOV...older honda civic hybrids and pure EV auto's make up the rest.
I agree. I had same experience as you are. I apprecate if anyone one could provide more information how to get the clean pass stickers ? Thanks.
I called at precisely 8:00 this morning as suggested. Got right through. I had picked up my car last Saturday (5 days ago) and despite the website saying you can't get them with only the temporary registration, I *was* in the system and the stickers are on the way! Whew. (at pick up, the salesman told me about not having to wait for snail mail official registration, just give it few days to get into the system). I'm on vacation today through next week so it looks like I'll be ready to go once vacation is over. Perfect timing.
I was also frustrated by constant busy signals and automated greetings that told us to "call back another time". I finally decided to call @ exactly 8:00AM Friday morning and I was also able to get through on the first try. They ask you for your lic plate number- then they just verify your personal info. They even provide you with your sticker number. It's very simple once you actually connect with a live person- whole call took less than 5min. It's absurd that you can't apply online for the NY Cleanpass stickers. Whats the difference between speaking with a rep who asks you a few questions (you can her her typing in your responses) and you simply doing it yourself online without tying up one of the DMV reps? Typical NYS DMV- make it as difficult as possible for your clients....
NYS DMV has finally somewhat caught up with the rest of the world... You can now finally apply (through a convoluted system) online for your Clean Pass: https://www.dot.ny.gov/programs/clean-pass
Thanks Rob, I honestly never use the LIE but since I have the right to the stickers I applied to have them should I ever need to use it, I'll already have them! Now if the Staten Island Expressway or the BQE ever makes use of them...
Lol, not everyday, only once in a while (meaning very infrequently) but when I do it would be nice to have em' work on there. Gotta love the never ending construction going on on that thing. 11 years that I can remember and they are STILL breaking sections apart and replacing/expanding. I got an email already that they will be sending them out and gave me my number. I went and enrolled my father as well since he has a Plug-in prius as well and the process is so easy.
Don't know which I hate more- the BQE or the Cross Bronx- come to think of it- portions of the Belt Pky near JFK actually suck too! Had to tow a 13' Boston Whaler home (mid Suffolk county) from Jersey a few years back- only route available was the BQE back to LI- of course it was under (constant) construction. I hit one of those metal construction plates and a thought I had actually lost the boat/trailer. The plate was probably 8" below the adjoining road surface! The trailer must of shot two feet up in the air when it hit the leading edge of the asphalt again! Absolutely amazing I didn't get in an accident... and the boat was still attached to the truck... one of my fillings came out a few days later though. Great roads we got around here