Has anyone tried the "Keningston LiquidAUX Auxiliary Car Kit with Remote for iPod and iPhone" Apparently it works with iPhone 3G and it seems like the ideal solution for the Prius because it allows your iPhone/iPod to be tucked away in the center console (where the DC power an aux port are), then controlled with a remote on the steering wheel! My old charger/car kit left the iPod dangling out the side of the center console in order for me to be able to access its controls and it doesn't work with the new iPhone so I think I want to give the above a whirl!
that's exactly what I've been looking for!!! Except, its a bit pricey.. $60 bucks? Let me know how it turns out, or if anyone knows other alternatives.
Excellent find. I found this on the Apple store: Apple Store (U.S.) - Kensington LiquidAUX for iPhone and iPod "This is the best thing I have bought for my new 3g iPhone. This works perfectly in my Subaru. The sound is great and the fact that it charges the phone and you only have one cable is awesome! The remote works very very well, its nice to just press a button to skip a song or shuffle all your songs. I highly recommend this product!!!"
Sweet. Looks like all the reviews are glowing so far! I think you could get away with a different charger with a normal iPod, because you could sort of feel around for the buttons while you had your eyes on the road, but with the iPhone all you have is the touch screen controls, so I think that NOT to have a remote would be a safety issue.
Anybody tried the http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0011UK2HO/ref=s9sims_c4_img1-rfc_p?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=1Y1DHBGG35VKWG9P6PKA&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=372728601&pf_rd_i=507846? This one comes with an adjustable arm instead of a cable connected to the dock itself. I don't have my prius yet so I'm not sure if this will fit in the center console of if I should stick with the regular liquid aux version.
I figured I'd buy the non-deluxe version. I think the arm is more for those with cars where you need a place to mount the iPhone. The Prius has the aux jack and DC power are tucked away in the center console, where there are a few places you can lay the iPhone down and have it out of the way (including a removeable shelf with a felt top and a slot that is just about iPhone sized in the front).
So, FYI, I got the LiquidAux in the mail today from Amazon and it works like a champ so far! The remote, which attaches by Velcro, seems well designed and elegant, fits well in the nook between the steering wheel outer wheel and the other controls, the charger works with the iPhone 3G and the controls are responsive. The DC adapter feels like it fits a little loosely in the slot, but that's about the only gripe I have as of yet. Here's a picture of how the remote looks when attached to your wheel via the velcro strap (which holds surprisingly tight, by the way).
Thanks for this thread, I just bought one and installed it. This is pretty close to my ideal setup, where the iPhone is at arm's length (not in the glovebox) and there aren't overt wires visible. I'm closing the console rest on top of the wire (seems okay so far, had been doing that with the previous charger cable), and the iPhone sticks up from the fingertip recess. I've attached the remote to the bottom of the steering wheel, as it interefered with turning for sharp turns in the 10:00 position. So far so good!
I just tried this with my iPod touch in my new 2009 Prius. Worked great at first, but then when I stopped the car and restarted, it would not work until I unplugged the the cable from my iPod. Bummer! It's a great idea, but I'm not going to re-plug the unit in everytime I re-start the car. Back to the store it goes...maybe it's not set-up for the new 3.0 OS I just installed on my iPod touch.
remote control question Do the buttons on the remote control duplicate the functionality of the buttons on the iPOD in the iPhone3Gs? Play - Pause Skip to next/previous song with a single press Skip forward/back in the current song at high speed with sustained press Aloke Prasad
Bump. Does LiquidAUX skip through the track at higher speed if the >> button on the remote is kept pressed?
Anybody else use this with their 2010? I want this cable coming out of the center console on to a dock on the dashboard but I want to be able to close the console. Would this damage the cable?
I bought the Bluetooth version of this and it works great on my '07. Not sure how it would work on the '10 but I have had no problems with my Ipod Touch 3G. I did have to get a ground loop isolator but Kingsington sent me one for free.