I finally dusted off my bike and bike rack from my garage. I was able to install my Thule 2 bike rack on the back of my car easily. The only problem I see is that the bike blocks access to the trunk and it is a pain to remove it each time I want to use it. Do you guys think I should sell this and just install a small hitch?
I also looked into a rear mount rack but I decided to go with a roof mount since its more versatile. I can also use it to carry my surfboards or snowboards on trips. Not to mention, I can carry my 2 bikes when I move without much trouble loading or unloading the hatch.
I would go with a hitch mount. It doesn't create as much drag as a roof rack. People that use a roof rack has said the mpg hit is pretty big. I have a hitch mount and it doesn't get in the way of the hatch. You can lower it with the bikes on there and open the hatch. Just choose the design of the hitch mount bike rack that works.
I took out my old Yakima trunk mount today and called Yakima and found out it is not fit for the Prius 2010. Since I am taking a 10 hour ride, I decided to go out and buy the Saris Sentinal which is not too expensive and is a fit for the Prius. The Saris Bones is also not indicated for the Prius. Any thoughts on the Saris Sentinal? We have a Thule hitch on our Subaru so we just want a simple rack for the Prius.
According to the Saris web site the bones will work. Matter of fact I saw one the other day on a a Prius traveling down the road. The bones looks like it has enough flexibility to work. I have one and intend to put it on the back of our Prius whenever the car gets here from the dealer