While the Prius PHV was in possession, I took the opportunity to put the owner's manual on the scanner at work. I tried to identify only those parts that were PHV-specific. I found it interesting that the manual was complete. The cover was clearly for the "2010 Plug-in Prius" and the PHV parts were easily integrated with text and illustrations.
You sure none of this is top secret information? Should you be posting it on here? I only ask as on page 31 of the manual (page 8 of the pdf) it says the range as 19 miles! Not the 14 miles we're all traditionally familiar with.
Well, if it is top secret information, the best thing we can do is give public comments that can help Toyota make Prius even better.
I read that as 'it will start after 19 miles since last used', say if you've done two trips of 9.5 miles. I expect this is to stir the transaxle fluid: there's a small oil pump on the far end of the transaxle which is driven by the engine shaft - this runs all the way through the centre of both motors and the power-split gears over to the left-hand side of the vehicle. At least, that's the case on all the regular non-plug-in cars.
My little idea is that presently on the plug in there are three batteries, one for the hybrid and two for the EV making 7 miles per battery. I also thought a total of 14 miles was a bit useless and adding an extra battery to make 21 would make much more sense. Again, this would be why the engine starts up at 19 miles (to warm up etc) before the vehicle reaches its limit of 21 miles EV. In the preproduction demo models they have only included 2 batteries making a limit of 14 miles just for evaluation.
What will be more helpful is when people like Tony, Evan and Danny write the "Missing Manual" for the Toyota PHEV.
It's taken forever to gather info, photos, and feedback to create a new User-Guide. Now you want to add PHEV stuff too? Sounds good! Next week I'll be getting at least 2 days of play behind the wheel of one. :rockon: Anything in particular you want me to pay close attention to or research firsthand? .
Thanks Tony! You posted several pages of â€emergency tire puncture repair kit†why? Don’t you guys have this kit already in regular 2010 model? I have?
Nope. We have a temporary spare tyre. The numbers you're quoting is in kilometres. My guess is that someone changed the word to miles but forgot to do the calculation. 21 km is approx 14 miles. (22km is 14 miles). There are 3 batteries but the 21km range is counting the two sub packs, not the main pack.
Hmm... Thats same thing with new Priuses in Finland too. They have only temporary spare tires now. Whee, my reselling value has just raised a lot.. Or not... One way or other it’s taking some mass off of the car so I don’t complain. My car is from first batch to north Europe so that’s maybe the reason for different setup… Hmm2... I better learn to use that kit before I have to teach my wife to do it via phone at middle of winter night…
Please cover Pre-Cool and Pre-Heat feature, if you can. Tony thought there was a NDA for that. Top speed in EV has been reported with ScanGauge II to be 65 MPH. Can you confirm that? Top speed in Reverse. Is it the same as a regular 2010?
There's no NDA surrounding *any* of the current features on the current PHV demonstration unit. The NDA only comes into play for future features (including potential range, design, etc.), as well as any potential pricing information that may or may not have been disclosed.
Ok, I'll take that as the production version of the PHV Prius' range will be different. I would bet Toyota will offer different range options, giving choices.