Ford admits that its SUVs are gas guzzlers

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by ScottY, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    I think I read somewhere in an article about automakers using hybrid technology to boost power that Ford didn't agree with that philosophy and was going to continue to stress mpg and low emissions for it's hybrids.

    Of course....I could be wrong.....
  2. tstreet

    tstreet New Member

    May 16, 2005
    Allenspark, Colorado
    "Further the German economy is in the dumpers which is exactly what our government said would be the result of Kyoto."

    The problems with the German economy have nothing to do with alternative energy or Kyoto. These problems started well before the German's attempt to do something about energy and well before Kyoto. If anything, the German's move to wind power and solar power has helped create thousands of jobs. Arguably, the Germans would be much worse off without their initiatives in this area.

    Why do people assume we still need to waste energy in order to have jobs. If we move now to an energy future which cuts energy consumption and reduces global warming, there will be hundreds of thousands of jobs right here at home to build this future. Giving all the money to the Saudis and other foreign governments for oil is hardly a way to build an economy with good jobs.

    As far as new job creation goes, most of it is in the low paying service sector. Yes, we have jobs, but how good are they when all our money is going to China and most production of consumer goods is taking place in China.
  3. ScottY

    ScottY New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    2005 Prius
    Woah... my first threat with so many replies. Should I be happy?

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wstander\";p=\"116830)</div>
    I have what I want, a Prius! Then a house, then maybe an airplane. :wink:

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kirbinster\";p=\"116837)</div>
    Can't agree more. But out of all SUV drives how many actually drive it off road into the woods, or tow a house, or climb 90 degrees up a building (actually see that in a SUV commercial ). Same thing goes to tobacco companies. They have their customer and market. But they still have the responsibility to educate their customers that tobacco will increase risk of cancer. So shouldn't auto makers have responsiblity to educate their customers that not everybody needs an SUV? Again, I am not blaming everything on Ford, this article is just an example. I guess I am asking too much.
  4. wstander

    wstander New Member

    Jul 16, 2005
    ScottY wrote:

    " Woah... my first threat with so many replies. Should I be happy? "

    Threat? What threat?

    As for how people use their vehicle, I for one have seen many Prius (to pick on a self-righteous group:)) breaking traffic laws, driving inconsiderately and (gasp) having only ONE person in the vehicle whilst balsting past me at 85 in traffic.

    So my neighbor drives she and her family 3 or 4 times a year to the lake with her boat in tow. How else is she to get it there? Behind most of today's 'green.vehicles? Not hardly. Most of these guys can barely contain a full set of passengers (Prius MAX load is 5 people, as long as the total weight does not exceed 825lbs.

    Most commercials I have seen have disclaimers on the screen about responsible driving, etc.

    As to educating consumers, that is more the job of the consumer advocate; there are many places in print or on the internet that devote space to that effort. In fact, any dealer that started preaching to me (as did one flaming a** at Toyota Carlsbad about how I had never driven a 'true hybrid' bla, bla, bla) would drive me away as being insulting. Nobody is expected to 'educate the public' on freezers or air conditioners. Hey, for that matter, there are only 2 adults and 2 Yorkshire terriers that live in my 3 bedroom, 1818 sqft house on a one-half acre lot; Perhaps the realtor should have advised me that 'not everyone needs to live in the country on a 1/2 acre'. After all, only 4 person families with children and large dogs need this much room.
  5. finman

    finman Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    Albany, OR
    2014 Nissan LEAF
    So the difference between SULEV and AT-PZEV is evaporative emissions, is that all? So, no bladder in the HiHy? Plus you get 7-passengers AND 3500 lbs towing? Plus it's faster, and "only" 2-3 MPG less efficient than the Escape Hybrid that seats five and has 1,000 lbs. towing? I know the price is way higher for the HiHy, but you do get what u pay for.

    I've driven the Escape hybrid and it was great. I don't own anything to tow, so it would do me just fine. For those who do tow things and want the best out there (and can afford it) then the HiHy would be the green choice.
  6. Jonnycat26

    Jonnycat26 New Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    New Brunswick, NJ
    2004 Prius
    EPA rating is 6MPG less efficient. And who cares about faster? They're both faster than the Prius which is often touted to be "fast enough" on these forums. And since most people (families) don't have a litter of children, isn't seating for 5 enough? Now you're arguing for less efficiency and worse emissions and more power?

    The Escape (and Explorer, and other Fords, and BMWs, and Mazdas, and so on) manage to be PZEV without a bladder. I guess the other companies are willing to spend a little more on parts so their customers don't have to deal with the bladder.

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Market demand...that is what business responds to..when GAS goes up people will start to drift to more economical modes, and manufacturers will respond. If Ford was to slash its SUV production or radically modify its performance of the SUV's., people would flock to GM or Chevy or Dodge..the demand is still there. When people start BUYING the more ecomical SUV's like the Escape and others, AND Ford and others start to have back logs they will respond. That is how the automakers in this country respond, for better or worse. Can't say I see it that way totally, but I do understand the logic behind it.
  8. jeffn

    jeffn New Member

    Dec 19, 2004
    Long Island
    Considering they now have a full hybrid SUV which is PZEV, and the new Explorer V6 (which is still a bit of a gas hog) is PZEV, I think they're moving towards better. I don't know of anyone else (outside BMW) who produces a PZEV V6.

    Bingo. We boomers are the most self centered thumb sucking society since perhaps Rome AD 01. Only when it hits us in the pocketbook hard enough will we make slight changes-like get an efficient vehicle to use most of the time but keep the Excursion handy when needed.

    And I'd proffer that 99% of suvs are NEVER used for their intended design. Maybe in the snow(where any 4wd would have at least 80% of the same capability). Otherwise ther're unglier, worse on the road structure, put more cadmium from bigger tires into the environs, guzzle, handle worse in every way (I love to have a dope in one on my nice person following me off an ext ramp-wish I could see his face when i'm a 1/4 mile down the next entrance ramp and he's on 2 wheels trying to keep up)and are abysmally small inside for their exterior dimensions (not too unlike baby boomers!).

    That said, I came really close to buying a Forrester Turbo(hey, I'm a boomer too!) ;) .
  9. AndyTiedye

    AndyTiedye New Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    or when it enables you to "buy" access to the carpool lane :)
    There sure are a lot of Priuses around California all of a sudden.
    I've got my stickers :) :) :)

    I think that driving a fuel-efficient vehicle is becoming more popular anyway.
    Certainly those who are buying hybrids are not up against the wall financially -- the cars are too expensive for that.

    An Escape Hybrid would be more fuel-efficent than a Forester, despite the Escape being bigger.