I haven't seen the movie yet but from the reviews and previews, that red 2nd gen Prius in 'The Other Guys' seems to play quite a role. From what I understand, it's mocked quite a bit as the butt of every joke, but in the end flies through the air saving the day. Here's some things about the Prius from the movie; - The car initially gets abandoned - Ferrell's character only plays Little River Band in the Prius on his 6-CD changer. - One character says: "I think my Suburban shit one of these last night." - Wahlberg's character says: "it makes me feel like I'm shopping for a training bra" - The car is sprayed with bullet holes. So what's your take? Personally, I absolutely welcome all of the love and hate that driving a Prius generates. The fact that the movie advertises the Prius so willingly (even in mockery) only shows how popular the car is. This Prius is an icon. Haters may never understand. To them I say, bring it on. You're still not getting 50+ mpg.... We have arrived.
So this is where the photo comes from http://www.everydaynodaysoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Toyota-Prius-Shot-Bullet-holes-gun.jpg
They're just saying "the other guys" are inappropriate for detectives and the Prius is inappropriate as a gas guzzling tire burning cop car. I don't find it hateful etc.
saw the movie . loved it. the prius had a major starring role in it, and did some major stunts, including being used to ram and overturn some big vans. lotsa fun poked on it, but hey, the heroes in the film got mocked a lot too. remember, the "other guys" in this movie are the real heroes, just like their red gen 2 prius is the hero of the road, although some REALLY weird things went on in it, including gay orgies believe it or not. haha.
I saw the movie too recently and thought it was Will Ferrell's best in a while (which isn't saying a while lot). The Prius really gets around and I guess it was highly modded according to the story in the Wall Street Journal. It's just not a hybrid anymore except on the outside. http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2010/08/13/the-other-guys-looking-at-the-little-red-prius-that-could/ The story says they put a big engine in the back seat. I wonder how they did the gun shot holes? I have a friend who's Dodge minivan got shot from a bullet falling from the sky on Fourth of July. Nobody was hurt but the bullet hole looks exactly like the ones in the movie. or vise versa actually. Pretty realistic all told.
If Will Ferrell is in the movie, that would move the Prius up in the billing, yes? :huh: I'd watch the movie for the Prius, but not for the "stars"...
Rae, the humor in "The Other Guys" was juvenile and the movie was without redeeming social significance. That has a lot to do with why I liked it.