I was in so-cal AGAIN this weekend, and I noticed a sticker on the rear bumper of the Prii!! I have not seen them anywhere else, and I am not sure where people are getting them, and what are they for? I saw one close up at Downtown Disney, it is gold in color, and looks like a big key almost. My friend thought maybe it is for the carpool lane or something? Please fill me in here guys! I saw this really cool silver Prius, it had leather, NAV, and a sunroof... the one feature I wish I had... I don't get why we can't have the sunroof option!! I hate the idea of having a hole cut in my car aftermarket, so I don't think I would do it non factory.
Oddly enough, with all of those stickers the DOT requires, they don't adequately convey this information to the person behind you (who may be pissed off at you). After attaching the four stickers, I went one step further and attached a self-made bumper sticker where a car driving behind me could see it, which says, "Clean Air Vehicle, Approved for Solo Use of Carpool Lane." The original post asking about these stickers reinforces my point: they are badly designed, being not only ugly but uninformative. Jan
They are not attractive... I am not comfortable with putting 4 large stickers on my paint.. At first I thought it was just something that local Prii folks were doing... Hmmm... I would just hate to have those eye sores on my baby!