Has anyone tried or had any luck with getting Toyota to replace Oil and Filter every 5K miles under the free scheduled maintenance. The owners manual says to replace oil every 5K miles under severe conditions, ie. short trips, city driving. just wondering what tactics work because i am going to try it in a few months. I am thinking they are going to put up a defense, heck they want to charge me half hour labor to turn off the reverse beeping while others say it is a 5 minute fix.
This is discussed in great detail here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ance-troubleshooting/81696-oil-change-5k.html
I'm pretty sure mine specifies 2 years 25,000, whichever comes first and then spells out that it's limited to two oil changes. I can't lay my hand on it right now or I would quote it. So yes, the dealer should be willing to give you your two free oil changes at 5k mile intervals.
the terms of the prepaid maintenance specifically states that "severe conditions" maintenance is not covered. Replacing synthetic oil every 5000 miles is a waste.
My experience (not just w/Toyota) has been that a lot of dealers will try to convince you that you drive under 'severe' conditions--"well, you live in the DC/Balto area, that's a lot of stop/start driving, it's been hot, etc.--" Don't fall for it. The definition of 'severe' is quite specific and rigorous--i.e., short trips in subfreezing temps, towing over 90F, etc. *all or most of the time*. That last statement is key. Of course everyone takes the occasional short trip, and yeah it gets hot in the summer. BFD. That's not 'severe service', that's life. The car was designed for it. Do check your engine air filter often if you drive through construction zones, though. Easy to swap out. ~T
The real issue is the quality of the dino vat oil there using for your "free" oc I wouldn't put in my lawn mower. Why don't you move up to Mobil 1 10-30 and change it every 10K...and then some. And the dealer is the very last place I would take it for an oil change. They use minimum wage monkeys on the oc lane. The techs who know what there doing are making money on piece work repairs.
What?? Why on earth would he use 10W-30 When the manual and the oil cap specifically states 0W-20??? The "Free" oil change you get from toyota, they will change your oil with a toyota OEM oil filter (which is high quality) and Toyota 0W-20 Oil (which is synthetic). That's the only oil they can put in your toyota, because they have to follow the recommended weight guidelines of the oil specified by toyota (which is 0W-20) for warranty purposes. and since all 0W-20 oil is synthetic.... enough said And i would take my car to have the oil changed at the dealer versus Jiffy lube or some other POS Quik Lube place which probably doesn't even stock 0W-20, where you hear enough horror stories.
Here's a guide. You'll need some special tools. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii.../67747-oil-change-2010-prius-do-yourself.html If you do it yourself, see how much it is to get some Toyota 0W-20 from your parts department. I know walmart sells Mobil 1 0W-20 for $6.50ish a quart. If the toyota oil is cheaper, i'd just go with that since it's probably just as good and your dealer will be using that as well during your free oil changes and im the person who likes to keep one brand of oil in his engine. As for an oil filter, you can use a regular toyota OEM oil filter. You can use a TRD filter if you want, but it's not really necessary. DONT use fram. If you want to use aftermarket, then go with purolator.
The dealer claims that the oil doesn't need to be changed until 10k. However, considering I didn't drive the car out of the factory (i.e., it rode a ship, a train, etc., and the engine did withstand some non-driving vibratory pressure), I am going to have my oil changed at 5k, then every 10k thereafter. Unless someone can quote to me that they actually change the oil WHEN IT ARRIVES AT THE DEALERSHIP, I really don't trust the oil from the factory. Remember: they install the engine, and it may have dust, metal shavings, or other assorted minutiae in the cylinders or elsewhere, and when the oil is poured in and the engine is turned over, all that stuff rubs around in the engine. Not so healthy for 10k miles.
nothing wrong with changing out oil early to get rid of break-in junk. but 10k OCIs are perfectly fine. im going to change out my oil at 2000mi. But the factory oil is 0W-20 Synthetic.