Hi all, first time poster. I've been scouring this forum all week and have learned so much as well as drooled on my keyboard at some of your stunning photos. Short story, I started emailing dealers a week ago looking for a competitive lease deal. I think I've found one and even went in last night for a test drive and so they could assess my trade-in. They offered me $500 less than KBB for my trade-in and while I even had my father-in-law there for support. (who is Tony Soprano's doppelganger so I thought it'd help), they started at $1200 below KBB. This is disappointing to say the lease (pun intended). Here are the stats: III, black/dk grey, nav+sunroof package. Zero down, OTD of first month only (WAS $332, but now with the trade-in pay off we're at $352). 36 mos, 45K, 2 yrs maintenance. Sales price 26000. MSRP 28,580. I'm Tier 1 credit. Of course, I'd like to lower the monthly payment but from what I'm reading this still seems reasonable. I guess I just wanted a personalized "reasonable" so here I am. Thanks in advance.
I hope I'm not offending you, and this is probably a personal thing: I personally don't like leases, because you won't own it afterwards. To me the only time to lease is for business, and you don't want any assets in the company to keep track of. If I may ask why you are deciding a lease? Because leasing you are buying 1/2 of the car, and giving it back to the dealer? He then sells it as a three year old car. If you can raise to a longer term, and put a little more down, you can keep the car? Just a thought? And sorry with Cars, the last thing you want is to LOWER payments, Because that is just interest... You want to RAISE Payments...
Not an offensive question at all. We're leasing because we'll most likely be moving abroad in 3 years and we live in the city (and use public transport for work). Just makes sense for us to not be tied down. We do have two businesses but honestly haven't decided how this will play into taxes yet.
To bad you can't affored a 3 year loan you will be ahead even if you have to sell, Car Dealers make a ton off leased vehicles...
The dealer agreed to add another couple hundred to the trade-in. We have a deal. Going to sign and drive now! Will post pics in the other thread soon!