Is there anyone in the Central Ohio area who has had their Prius tinted? I'd like to have my side and hatch windows tinted (everything but the windshield), but it's hard to decide how dark to go. I'm aware of the state laws on tinting, I just want to see a Prius that's already tinted in person before I get mine done so that I know what to expect!
I'm from Columbus and have my windows tinted. I couldn't be happier. I went with 20% on the rear and 50% all the way around except for the front windshield. I did not have it tinted. You can see pics at Regards, Ryan
Nice pictures.. I have on order a black '06 coming, which I think I'm gonna go with the maximal I can legally (and medically get) here in Illinois. I have hyper-sensitivity to light (and the respective note from my doctor) so I'll get it done as nicely pitch black as I can to match the car.
mmm, i think the metallic tinting my husband has on his celica would look great on a prius... :ff to find pics::