Hello, First posting here, and don't know all the lingo-gingo you people do, so be nice I am concerned that my 2007 Prius shows 3 bars or two purple bars some mornings. I assume this is the state of the traction battery not the 12V one. Other times I have all green bars after a short drive, but then for example when I park while the wife does a quick errand, I can watch the bars drop like a rock within a few minutes to 3 blues or one time to 1 purple. Turning off the headlights and radio slows the rate of decent. Sometimes the engine will start and begin charging. When I was in engineering, this quick discharge curve phenomena indicated a shorted cell(s) in the battery pack. I called Toyota, and dealership but they just brush me off with a "dont worry, be happy" attitude. Anyone else seeing this problem? PS what is this SKS I keep seeing in various posts? Thanks alot.
Yes, sometimes the traction battery state-of-charge gauge moves up and down pretty fast. That battery has a dedicated ECU whose job is to keep track of the battery's condition. The battery is composed of 28 modules. The ECU keeps track of module pair voltages, so it tracks 14 different voltages. If the voltage from one module pair differs significantly from the others, the ECU will log a diagnostic trouble code and the instrument panel will light up: at minimum, the master warning red triangle will turn on, and a warning icon will appear in the MFD: either the hybrid vehicle icon which is the outline of a car with an ! superimposed in the middle; or else the traction battery icon which is a rectangular box with + and - signs. So as long as you don't see any warning lights, it is reasonable for the dealership to tell you not to worry but to be happy. What mpg is your car logging? If it is at least in the low-40s then it must not have a serious problem. SKS is Smart Key System. This is the system that your car probably has since you indicated Package 6 Touring, where you can leave the fob in your pocket (or purse, etc.) and lock/unlock the front doors and hatch, start the car, turn it off, etc.
Thank you Pat for a well reasoned reply. Iwill be happy and not worry unless I see the dreaded red triangle. SKS another acronym I will have to remember now.
You may want to read this thread: Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery The 12v battery going bad can give all sorts of weird symptoms.