Do all bluetooth handsfree, bluetiooth music, and address book functions work? Does it play music stored on the microsd card over USB as well as charge over USB?
I am very curious as well. My Instinct won't transmit CID information to the nav screen for incoming calls and I want to make sure whatever new phone I get will do.
Just picked up my Prius tonight and I can't get my Evo to connect. Edit: Linked up fine. Problem last night was phone very low on battery.
Does everything work perfectly between the Prius and and the Evo including phonebook transfer and music play via USB and bluetooth? Does it always connect reliably when you get in the car?
When it's connected, the phone and phonebook transfer functions work fine. I haven't tried the music. There do seem to be some issues as far as always connecting. I usually turn my phone's bluetooth off when I'm not in the car. I've found that if I don't already have the bluetooth on the phone active when I start the car, it will not connect automatically if I turn on the bluetooth after the car is started. I have to manually go into the Prius bluetooth menu to connect the phone.
my evo says it is paired for music and calls but only the calls work. no music plays...anyone have a solution for this? Thanks.
My EVO is paired up to the bluetooth system for calls. I can't seem to figure out how to transfer or load the address book from the phone to the car. Is that an option on my 2010 III? Also I can't seem to figure out how to do audio streaming via bluetooth. This is the first time I have had Bluetooth in a car, so step by step instructions is what I am looking for.
I have Prius III, works fine with my EVO as phone and music device. You have to pair it with both the phone and music player as separate device. Don't know you would do it without the NAV screen though. Sound coming through and microphone pickup is awesome.