I have a 2007 Prius. I bought the car about 6 mos. ago. The best mpg we obtained was 46.2 from Hemet Ca. to Pismo Beach. All fairly flat freeway. Also, i only get 37 to 39 mpg in town despite feathering the throttle and using cruise control as much as possible. I just had the dealer clean the injectors.The car has about 45 k miles. Any suggestions???? H.Ray
Welcome to Prius Chat! I'd recommend you visit the Gen II gas mileage forum. At the top is a sticky post with questions that you will be asked. Best to repost your question with as many answers as you can fill out. Here's a link for you. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...-answer-these-questions-esp-if-youre-new.html
Your HV battery could be dead. Dont use CC because it will gun the throttle to get it to its set speed.
In general did about 50-52MPG on an average with my 2008 Prius with my tire pressure set at 40psi (Front) & 38psi (Rear) with Michelin Hydroedge Tires. You may want to check your 12volt battery if you are getting low MPG's. Other than that....check your tire pressure often (don't trust tire shops), keep your A/C low, keep overall weight low, and generally keep the Prius between 35 to 45MPH (streets) and 55 to 65MPH (highways). Oh I forgot, I used a fuel system cleaner every 5000 miles.
I would classify this under possible but less probable than the sun deciding not to rise today. Answer the questionnaire you were linked to and we can help. Until then any responses are pure speculation. On that note, it may be low on blinker fluid.
If the high-voltage battery is dead the car won't operate at all. But yeah, don't use CC except for long open highway stretches. And don't shift into "B" except when driving down very long steep grades, when you would otherwise need to ride the brake pedal.
Worst advice ever. Common knowledge and almost every automotive expert agrees that cruise control will increase your gas mileage. Unless you have a steady foot and can maintain the same exact speed indefinitely, use the cruise control. The car doesn't "gun" the throttle. Maintaining a set speed is the best way to maximize fuel usage and efficiency. and most highways are level. Check your 12V battery, it may be time to replace. Your hybrid battery is probably fine. Dirty Air filter...many other things could be wrong. The list goes on.
I recently took 2 515 mile trip. One with cruise, one without. Total distance 515 miles per round trip. First trip I used the DRCC cruise set at 65MPH with LKA thinking the Prius will drive itself the whole way. The overall mileage was 52mpg. I was disappointed. The second trip I wanted to inprove the mileage so I drove without the DRCC nor LKA. I check the speedo and HSI once every 2-10 second. This time without cruise control. It was tiresome but I managed 57.7mpg. Both trips average speed was 56mph. Both trips were 500 miles freeway and 15 miles city. Starting elevation was 250 feet and peaked at 4144 feet then back down to 250 feet. During the ascending from 1300feet to 4144feet in a 10 mile distance I turned off the cruise and went with the traffic but never exceeded 65mph. I'm estimating about 300 miles of the trip is on flat land. I notice that driving south saves more gas then driving north.
I did a study a few years ago comparing cruise control with pulse&glide. I did runs matching average speeds. My conclusion was that at lower speeds pulse&glide was more efficient. As I approached 30 mph averages, cruise control and pulse&glide were about the same.
I wish that were true! Lots of hills on the highways I drive on. I feel I can get better gas mileage with the cruise off and work the hills letting speed increase on downhills and drop off going uphill (provided there is no one behind me to annoy).