One of the loaded CD discs appears to have gotten itself jammed in the multi-disc player mechanism. Can select the 6 discs from the touchscreen, but I receive a "CD Error" when it tries to read the track information on any of them - so, I'm concluding one of them has gotten stuck. Is this something that can be serviced without dismantling the entire dashboard? 2005 Prius Package 6
Probably not. Most CD players are only able to be disassembled from the top or bottom in a case like this. Unless you are comfortable with the work, I'd take it to a dealer or proffeional sound installer. The warranty /should/ cover a malfunctioning CD player. Do you know if it was a particular CD - maybe one with a stick-on label?
I have a suspicion that it's Disc 5, which I found out had a label on it (which is probably what's at issue here). I'm comfortable dealing with the dashboard removal and re-installation process, but since the forums have temporarily lost Search capability, I haven't found any specific instructions on the process.
Can you eject the CDs? I've read and re-read looking for where you say that you can not eject any of the 6 CDs.
Find the original coastal instructions on the long way to installing XM, as the objective is to get to the back plug on the head unit. Pretty much the whole dash has to be taken apart to get the radio out.
I had my whole JBL system replaced under warrenty by Toyota. They removed the cds and returned them to me without having to mail off the unit.