Last Thursday my wife was driving Giant Tofu on the 405 Fwy carpool lane, when a iron rod hit the front license plate and flew on top of the front hood and the drivers door. The iron rod came from underneath the car in front of Giant Tofu and bounced all over and did some major damage. I'm glad the iron rod did not penetrate the front windshield, I would of lost my wife! Any sugestions on great autobody shops in the Southbay area of Los Angeles? Giant Tofu will be at the OC Prius Club breakfast on October 16th. You can see her boo boo!
there is a great body shop in West LA called "golden hammer" (pico & 405). they do ecellent work and their reputation is flawless. i know it's not south bay but in my oppinion worth the trip. good luck! -r
having debris flying from other cars has become a real problem in my area also. three years ago a 21 year old lady was blinded and disfigured horribly when a truck hauling a desk had part of it fly off and struck her vehicle's windshield. the piece nearly decapicitated her. 2 others were killed in separate accidents when a metal bracket from a truck was laying in the road and was flipped up by a another car into theirs. this metal piece only weighed 9 pounds but was heavy enough to kill the driver in the following cars. WA State just instituted a law making unsecured loads and other dangerous vehicles a felony. the person who lost that desk was fined $105 and never spent a day in jail.
You have bigger problems than a body shop can handle... The first thing you need to do is to take your Prius to a car psychologist - I'm sure they have them in So. Cal. - to help it deal with that silly name!
Dualpwr, I agree with Washington State's Legislation. I believe California has the same legislation on it's books, but there are not enough CHP officers to patrol our highways to enfore the law. There are 30 Million people in California. Get the picture. Well, thanks for your interesting information.
Ouch... close call. Hope the auto body shop can bring your Prius back good as new. Nice Prius name. Japanese emissions?!
Thanks for the nice comment. Priusham thinks it's a lame name! Thinks my Prius should see a shrink in LA I think Priusham should rename her car Priusspam instead of Priusham. First post on Priuschat and Priusham has a negative thing to say about Giant Tofu. How sad! Never even spoken to Priusham. Japanese emmission stickers
You know what! If you are going to give me any advice regarding Giant Tofu, I suggest you write something positive or just keep your lame opinions to your own self. Have a nice day! Priuspam, I mean Priusham