It only looks like you are one bumper and parking light away from being new. Take a close look and think of how much worse it would have been if anywhere else had been hit. Crumpled plastic instead of bent metal.
I agree. I know it does not ease the pain of the "newness" being gone but after they replace the plastic bumper hopefully the newness will return. My daughter caught her plastic bumper on her Toyota Sienna on a shrub at our house and tore the bumper half off. It is good that it is only held on with plastic push pins as they gave instead of tearing. When she had the bumper re-attached with new push pins it looked brand new again.
Here is a picture of what happened. I can't believe there is a chance that they won't find her at fault. Makes me sick that I (my insurance) would have to pay for HER being late and HER hitting me!!! I am the grey car and she is the blue car behind me in the diagram.
Have you spoken to your insurance agent ? The company might not be willing to let her off if they can find her guilty of causing the accident. Just wishful thinking I suppose...
Ouch Ouch and Ouch! Our car is also 48 hrs old, same color and man, do I feel for you! I scratched ours slightly coming back from the dealer and opening the trunk, not realizing that it rises so high. Hit a pipe in the ceiling of the garage and chipped the paint ever so slightly. I felt terrible but I realize now things could have been *so* much worse. Good luck with all this. Our sympathies.
@ snead_c.... oh yeah, after the po po call, the insurance agent was next on my speed dial! My insurance is calling them now. I am supposed to hear from them in the next couple of days. I am hoping greed here on my insurance company comes into play. The fact that they won't want to pay out a cent to repair my vehicle just might motivate them to push hard. HOWEVER, it all depends on what the report from the po po says. And again, when I looked at the detective on scene square in the eye and asked if she was being listed at fault, he stated "that is for the insurance companies to decide". Needless to say I was floored.
Weathernut, what's stopping you from filing your own motor vehicle charges in Municipal Court & a claim with her insurance company?
right now, waiting to hear if her insurance company will be picking up the tab. If they do not, then that will be my next move
The Prius does have a 'data recorder', but would not likely provide much information relevant to this crash in it. IT would not indicate, for example, who had the right of way in the collision, though I suspect from the description and diagram that the Prius was not at fault.
I would also suggest that you go back to the scene, today or tomorrow, to determine which Video cameras may have seen the collision, and speak to the folks from that building (or buildings) which may have a security camera in that vicinity to see if their footage could be beneficial. I am not sure that they would give it to you, but by formally asking them (maybe in writing) to maintain a copy of the tapes in the event of a lawsuit, and they may be willing to help you. My car (Prius V) was in a colision in May, which so far has cost my insurance company in excess of $8,000, and I was just told by my dealer, that I will need to replace the A/C compressor for a cost of $2,900. I wonder what my car fax will show after all this.
This is VERY good advice as it really helped out in one of my incidents years ago. The guy that drove out in front of me was all apologetic at the scene (no police involved) but later changed his story. Fortunately I went back to the area days later and there were people (that viewed from houses) that vouched for my side of the story.
I never thought of that, but I would assume the courthouse would have some kind of video camera system (although I don't recall seeing any). I thank you for the suggestion!
Even worse, based on the diagram, I could see someone try to claim that they were just rolling along, and some 'nut in a Prius', raced ahead of her, and drove into the space 'so fast that I could not even stop', and try to turn it around on them. I would also suggest that you ask the officer to give you a statement, in writing as to the facts that he knows, and what he was told by each party, should you need to prove otherwise in the event of a claim in small claims court.
I see your point. I wish I could have had the person IN that parking spot stop and be a witness since I was waiting for them to leave so that I could park there. No witnesses, which blows as there were plenty of people around, just no one that bothered to step up.