I was just out cleaning the inside of the greenhouse... hmm, I mean Prius and noticed the steering wheel will turn when it's off and I have no key fob with me. Does the steering wheel not lock like other cars? Thinking about it, this raises some other questions... With out the key fob, can you take it out of Park? Just curious if someone could hop in if I forgot to lock it and push it away? On another topic, there is a huge amount of glass on this thing! Am I going to have to mortgage the house to have the windows tinted? What's a decent price for tinting a 2010 Prius? Thanks all...
The steering wheel isn't mechanically attached to the wheels. No. It doesn't lock because the wheels don't steer when the power is off. Without the key fob, you can't shift out of park (and disengage the parking paw).
To answer the second question you asked : In the Chicago area I have been quoted prices from $159 to $339 for tinting all the windows but the windshield. I am still deciding who to use. I cannot help you in your state.
It is mechanically attached, and mine does steer with power off. At least it does when parked in the garage, turned off overnight, and the key fob far out of range. Others who have shut the car down while in motion (as a possible defense against runaway acceleration) have not reported steering loss. This is a life safety issue. Passenger car power steering and power brakes must still function even in the event of complete power loss. They will be stiffer and harder to control, but they will still work. Prius steering does not lock. Toyota used other options to disable the car against thieves who lack a key.
This makes no sense. What you're saying is I can turn my steering wheel with the power off, and the front wheels won't turn. If that's true, what happens when I turn the power on, and the steering wheel is off center, but the front wheels are not?
1. The steering is mechanically connected and electrically boosted. The driver retains full authority over steering in the event of a power failure. 2. You cannot shift a Prius out of Park when powered down. You can mechanically disassemble the parking mechanism in the transaxle, but this is not a trivial exercise. A flatbed truck is the best method for stealing a Prius. 3. The engine immobilizer makes the Prius hard to steal. A steering lock would add little security. Steering locks are easily defeated by professional car thieves. Tom
The Prius steering wheel actually turns much easier than a car with conventional power steering when the power steering is lost. With a conventional set up you have to move all the fluid through the lines with the steering wheel when there is no power. The Prius, and other cars with electric power steering, have a small electric motor for assist and it provides no resistance to turning the steering wheel when power is lost.
My dealer wants $199.00 for Lumar film...I have seen local shops offering $99.00 (and they will do the illegal stuff like 15% all around not that I ever would ).
he was responding to my second question... My fault, should have started a second thread on the window tint!