Has anyone changed out the bladder tank for a non-bladder tank in a Gen III? I'm was just wondering what it would take to change them out. I'm sure that I could find one from a junk yard making it a cheap modification.
It might be easy to physically change out the tanks, but that would be the least of it. You'd also have to find ways to work-around/ hack a bunch of usually routine fuel bladder/evac system checks the onboard computers run. If they don't like the results, they shut the car down. Here's some essential background reading... Does this still look like something that is easy to do ... never mind even remotely possible? N. American Gen II Fuel and Evap System Design courtesy of Ant Farm:
Holy $$(*$#%^ And the Germans are accused of making things unnecessarily complicated for no good reason.ound:
Rokeby, Thanks for the info. That looks familar to what is standard in most vehicles except for the vapor pressure sensor. I guess I'll have to take a look at the vapor recovery system from an '10 to see if they have the same components. It may be just be the same. I have a feeling that the '10 didn't redesign the wheel for the tank system, just adapted it to existing with possible longer/shorter connections.
Why not just purchase an EU style GenII tank from a scrapyard if a friend can find one and see if it works. Whatever ECU responsible for the check might need to be replaced with the EU equivalent, but it would seem easier than hacking a GenIII tank into a GenII when they already make GenII tanks out there. Of course shipping petrol is illegal and dangerous, but you can dry it out and make sure it is safe before shipping.
That's an interesting thought, but isn't the filler neck on opposite side since the drive is on that side as well?
sounds like my grandma's method of cooking... WWII learning, so she mixed oatmeal with ground meat and vegetables, then packed it together and baked it for hours... The single meatball fed 8 kids and 2 adults with a blackened outside and a rare inside. Glad I never had to experience this first hand, but my dad + all 7 uncles/aunts all confirm it.