fairly new car. I have a clean record. Why am I getting charged about $221 a month when i drive this car 5000 miles a year. And the best quote i get is from progressive insurance which is $214 a month. Farmers charged me $300 per month or something. And allstate should be more. what insurance should i use? Is it because of the deductibles? i dont know what deductibles i should use. I thought I used the least of deductibles and the price is still expensive. I live in california btw. So give me advice. :welcome:
I don't remember my rate, but i was pleasantly surprised when I called my agent last week to tell them they needed to drop my Mazda6 and add my new Prius, and was told that my rates were going down. Not by much, maybe $40/6months, but that's enough gas money for like a year.
you really need to sit down with the insurance person and have them learn you up a little. deductibles and coverage amounts can vary the premium quite a bit. if your record is clean, i can't see more than $100 - 150./ mo. all the best!
I just got my bill today. It was AIG, now AIG changed to 21st Century. Here in NYC, full coverage, it's $830 for 6 months for a Prius V with the advanced technology package for me...
The highest deductible will give you the lowest premium. I have the highest deductible ($1,000) I can get and my premium is $470/year or just over $39/month. (I use State Farm insurance.)
Along with the deductable it is where you live, Example If I lived 15miles east of where I live now I would be paying $50.00 MORE per month.... Ask your agent why the difference it may be where you live. (High Crime Rate for that vehicle.)
How are you getting $150 a month? I live in a very rich area Low crime rate NEAR West LA. I just plugged in 5000 miles on the quote website and they gave me a quote directly. on "recommended" quote i was getting $214 a month still. Farmers was charging $300. So how are you guys getting less than that? Please help. I don't want to pay over the hill for insurance. Geico is usually more expensive than progressive. I was paying way less when i was driving my luxury car btw for insurance
How much insurance costs depends on a large number of factors. Personally in the Bay Area from CSAA I'm paying less than your lowest quote for insuring both my 2010 Prius and my wife's 2005 Matrix together.
As Paradox mentioned, 21st Century was the lowest of the big guys I found... and by quite a bit. Do make sure you are comparing apples to apples though (i.e. deductables, coverages, comp and collision).
Here in Topeka,Ks full coverage-250 deductible costs $46.00 per month from State Farm. The rate did go down(couple bucks per month) for the 2010 from the 2001 I traded in. Go figure.
In California, you get screwed if you are under 25, you get double screwed if you are under 20. So how old are you?
I am over 25 Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability $100k per person $300k per accident $100k property damage. $481. Comprehensive and Collision($627) $500 deductible. Rental car reimbursement $30 a day. $1262 for 6 months 0 violations. That's basically my quoted plan. Is it supposed to be that expensive around here for Prius 10s?
Ours runs about 700 ish a year with $250 deductable in upstate NY. Our 8 year old Honda minivan ran us about $150 less a year. It's all dependant upon age/year of car/state/city.
We got our best deal from AAA. We merged our Homeowners with our Auto for an overall good package rate...2k less overall than State Farm...
Your liability limits are reasonable. I wouldn't go lower and you could even bump them up a notch if you have assets to protect. California insurance rates are regulated according to a ballot initiative and regulations from the Insurance Commissioner. The amount of time that you have had insurance continuously with the same insurance company will affect rates. Even with a good driving record, if you are only recently insured this may drive your rates up. Also note that although you may live in a low crime area, the LA area in general has a very high accident rate, very hight medical costs, and very high car repair costs. My guess is that your liability coverage and collision coverage are sky high for this reason. I've shopped around and found that rates do not vary all that much between companies in my area. My USAA rates are the lowest I've found but not by all that much. If you have access to USAA services (current or active military, or current or former dependent of military, or spouse of military or dependent) then check out their insurance.