Hello, I have a Prius 4 and its been great in every way except one... I have problems getting my ipod working. Sometimes the ipod connects just fine and I can listen to music, but often times it doesn't connect to the car properly. I leave it plugged in before I turn on the car, I plug it in after the car is running, I try every combo possible.. It doesn't work. My question is, does Prius offer software/driver upgrades? If not, has anyone made their own software? To fix/replace the music playing system? I know its not my ipod or the wire, so it must be a software issue. Anyway, if anyone has advice, I'd be grateful thanks.
for me I have to make sure that I don't turn either the car or the audio off when the USB port is on. I always go from the ipod to the radio then off. Its like if you just yank the Ipod out of the computer with out ejecting it sometimes the Ipod flips out. I have only had my prius a couple of weeks but I haven't had any problems following this method
I have tried that, and it still doesnt work. It sometimes does, its finicky. I have to turn the car on and off several times before it works. Do you have a Prius 4?
I am also having the problem now that about once a week, I lose my phonebook sync from my iPhone 3g to my Prius. Just have to "reload" the address book, which works fine. I hope Toyota comes with a software update at some point for my head unit to work better with iOS4
We just bought a new Prius IV solar package on 7/29 and experienced the problem of my iPod Nano within the first hour after stopping for lunch and the problem has occurred many times since, until I tried a new method of starting the car. Now I simply activate the car in accessory mode, switch the audio to USB, if using another music input. If the audio is all ready in USB the music always loads and plays from where it was at shutdown. Then I simply depress the brake and start the vehicle. For me it is a simpler work around than the other methods I've seen described. It has worked for me no matter what music source I was listening to when shut down the vehicle.
I didnt want to start a new thread about this. We got a Prius 4 with solar roof as well. We are experiencing the same problems. I discovered the same "solution" turn the accessory on first and then the ipod works. Also using a ipod nano. But I find it annoying that I have to do this. everytime. any new updates on this problem?
Hi there. I'm having the same issue with my iPhone 3G, but the aforementioned "accessory" solution didn't work for me first time I tried it today. Maybe because I did it only after the iPod wasn't recognized with the car on? My reliable fix for when this happens is to reset the phone. At least it's somewhat comforting to know that I'm not the only one. Nor that it's because I jailbroke the phone.
Not to worry. I use my Jailbroken Iphone 2G and I have to use the accessory mode to get the iphone to be recognized.
I can confirm now that starting AUX audio in accessory mode doesn't always do the trick (at least for me). More often it simply doesn't recognize the iPhone, even though the car is charging it. Resetting the phone—which is hit or miss, too, but that might have to do with the jailbreak, or the hardware itself—is my safest bet. Good thing my contract is up …or is it? Speaking of old junk, does anyone know where in i-device history compatibility starts? Reason I ask is, I recently unearthed a perfectly serviceable 2003 3G iPod that wasn't recognized by the car, either. (Forgot to try the accessory solution though it wasn't powering at all.) 2006 2G iPod Nano works fine.