Found this over at Fallwallet for anyone who may be interested... Call 1-800-347-0600 (renewal dept) and ask for one year promotion of $101.94 (+ $11.89 music royalties). $113.83, all in!
In March, 2010, I paid $98.11 bottom line for a one-year promotional rate, same XM + Best of SIRIUS. If I simply renew the price will go up. If there is a strategy for dropping out and then re-signing, I'd be happy to know about it.
I think the strategy is to call them up before your year is renewed automatically and tell them you don't want to renew. Then bargain with them. That seems to have been fairly successful for most.
Just called to renew for the first time as my trial period ends in a few days. I didn't even have to say anything, she just offered me the $77 rate (+ royalty fees)...nice.
Is that with "Best of Sirius"? I'm a Sirius sub, but can't figure out where would be a good spot for my radio so unless an under-the-seat option comes out I may have to figure out what to do with the built-in unit. Will have to see if Best of includes the NFL games as well as the NFL channel.
No, the $77 is for XM. Then there is a surcharge for royalties or some such thing. The best of sirius is in addition, but it isn't much. That is a good way to start your negotiations. Call them right away and ask for the three month trial subscription to the Best of Sirius. It costs something like $12 for three months and they won't bill you for it so if you insist on being billed as opposed to paying by credit card (a terrible idea because then they can charge you for the next year before you have a chance to whine about the amount), they just add it to the bill for the first year when the bill you in three months. That was what I did.
XM Best of Sirius includes all games as well as NFL radio. That's among the reasons I went that route.
Now I'm pissed! I really wanted XM + Best of Sirius, couldn't find a deal online. I called XM reps numerous times, and they all swore that the only way I could get BOS was to pay the full rate. I finally relented a few weeks ago and just got the $77 XM deal. Anyone know if I can call back and have them upgrade to the Best of Sirius if I pay the extra for the $113 rate?