Thanks for the peek, Wolf I'll be satisfied (quite so!) with my Prius for now. I'm holding out for hydrogen before I switch again. Terry
I like the Escape/Mariner but I wish that Ford would put a better navigation system in it. The really small screen and not having it be DVD based is too bad.
Yeah the NAV system is a joke. I didn't particularly want it, but was part of the hybrid computer system, which not only do I think of as a necessity, but think such systems should be a requirement on all cars, hybrid or not. I have a Garmin 2610 GPS with a 2 gig smart card installed. It has the entire North American Continent north of the Mexico border uploaded onto it with space to spare. I expect that I'll simply use it, instead of the onboard one. Having to swap CD's on a simple trip to Colorado is stupid. Ford should have gone to the trouble of making the NAV system be supported by a Compact Flash card. No moving parts, and get everything in it.