AUX-BOX, do i need the extra AB-TOYT cable for 2005 prius?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by O2friend, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. O2friend

    O2friend New Member

    Jul 6, 2005
    Year: 2005
    Options package 2
    Stereo type: single CD, no navigation, no CD changer, no tape deck

    i am ordering the PAC Audio AUX-BOX (so i can input my 100g mp3 player ;). i am also ordering the necessary AB-TOY cable

    some toyotas require an extra cable... for instance, according to .... the AB-TOYT is required for a 2004 prius. does anybody know if its required for the 2005 prius?

    thanks in advance! this forum is great :mrgreen:
  2. taaustin

    taaustin New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    1 gallon north of Austin, TX
    the answer is a firm maybe.

    I took my 2005 option2 single CD, no nav, no deck (just like yours) in yesterday. The "Custom Sounds" dealer in Austin was going to install the Ipod2Car for me. They had all the parts shown as required (except for fine print). I left it with them and went to have lunch. A couple of hours later I got a call on my mobile. "We have some baaaad news for you, we need 'a connector that we don't have in stock'". On looking closer at their list of requirements there was a little asterisk showing in fine print at the bottom of the spec sheet "MAY require.... and listed the part #... which of course the did NOT have, nor did any of their other dealerships in town. They called the two closest Toyota dealerships in Austin and were basically told by Toyota "We have no idea what you are talking about". So they took another half hour to reassemble my car and sent me back home having wasted 2/3 of my day and a two hour round trip.

    So... I'd say, get it if you can find it. You MAY need it. You will likely not know until you get the back of the unit exposed.

    Hope this helps,

  3. jopa

    jopa New Member

    Jun 10, 2005
    I had this same experience. Went to the local custom stereo place. They were all set to install and discovered they needed the AB-TOYT as well.
    Only took a half hour though, and I'm rescheduled for Thursday.

  4. O2friend

    O2friend New Member

    Jul 6, 2005
    thanks folks... i will purchase the AB-TOYT cable just in case they need it. i am scheduled for the install next wednesday! woohoo!!!

    thanks again for the heads up... cheers =]
  5. O2friend

    O2friend New Member

    Jul 6, 2005
    i can confirm you DO need the AB-TOYT cable for a 2005 prius. it has been installed, and sounds great! i immediately fired up some difficult-to-reprodce music (the band Necrophagist, an intensly technical powerhouse of a death metal band) and it was crystal clear

    word of caution for northern virginia residents: DO NOT visit a shop in Manassas called "Safe & Sound", they will attempt to screw you over. here's what happened: they had the dash apart, called me and said there was nowhere to plug in the AUX-BOX.... meaning there is nowhere to plug a cd changer in, which is not true because EVERY toyota from 1998+ has the option to add a cd changer. they said they could sell me a hard-wired FM modulator, which would plug into the anteana port of the radio and i would tune to 88.3 for the aux input. they wanted to sell me the part for $70, i looked it up online and it was only $40. this seemed really fishy, so i called the toyota dealership just to confirm that i can have a cd changer added... they confirmed it, of course. i called back Safe & Sound and said "every single toyota from 98 up has a cd changer port, so please take a second look". sure enough, 10 minutes later he called back and apologized, saying that his reason for believing there was no port is there wasnt a clearly labeled button on the front for "cd changer"... BULL PLOP... they were trying to screw me, and man am i glad i did my research before doing a hack like this!!! for those who dont know, you just click "DISC" twice to get to the cd changer mode (or click MODE on the steering wheel until it says CD CHANGER)

    i recommend you go somewhere like circuit city who wont try to screw you over. circuit city quoted me at $100 for the install, Safe & Sound was only $75... worth the extra $25? yeah, i think so.

    thanks again for the heads up on the AB-TOYT cable. i can finally enjoy my mp3 player!!! it sounded like nice person coming through the wireless FM modulator
  6. rcast1986

    rcast1986 Junior Member

    Jul 27, 2010
    Provo, UT/San Antonio, TX
    2005 Prius
    Sorry to resurrect a super old thread, but just wanted to confirm that this was everything you needed:

    PAC Aux-Box
    AB-TOYX ?

    You confirmed the T, but I just want to make sure you still ended up needing the X. And wanted to make sure that all three of those rounds out the list of things you needed.