Here's a version that works: 50 States in 10 Minutes You do not need to capitalize or hit the return key. I'm not even going to tell you how badly I did.
Missed Mississippi. Figures. I worked back and forth across that damn river and for the last 3 minutes never saw its namesake. Drat!
Hey, a map is cheating! I would not have done nearly as badly as I did if I'd had been looking at a map. (Even a blank one just showing outlines!)
The first link had a map. Your link didn't work for me (Avira said not to click on it so I didn't). This may also help:
Is it sad, that I was thinking of that when I read the thread title? I love the one where they name all the US presidents. It is a shame nobody really watches these anymore. Kids learn via MTV it seems.
That's very odd. The first link didn't work for me. It said it could not find the site. I googled "guess the 50 states" and came up with the link I posted, which worked for me. But it just has a text box, no map. Now I tried the original link again and this time it worked.
The best way to do this is name all the states in a region, then move around so "no state is left behind".
49 states in the first 5 minutes... Finally realized i missed Illinois with 59 seconds to go And to think i failed that test back in middle school social studies.