Well this brings a new perspective to an old story. We had a deluge of 11" of rain from TS Tammy and have roads washed out and my business is under 5' of water. I am lucky to live on top of a mountain so are high and dry. I did have time to save my back up discs and the lowest patient charts. This a major incovenience but I have a dry warm home to go to and have flood insurance. The water should start receding by 3:00 pm This is a major difference from New Orleans
They haven't compiled it yet, but a few houses washed away. Many roads are washed out and a small few dams were breached. The National guard is in town now directing evacuations. Our Governor was in Germany but is on his way back. The President of our state Senate was acting Governor and called in the national Guard right away. I think that was a problem in New Orleans