Hello all! My mom just called with a rather difficult problem. The door latch has jammed on the rear door of her 2005 Prius (with sks, if it makes a difference...), with the result that she cannot close the door. She was carrying an adult passenger, to whom she suggested to disengage the child safety lock so the passenger could get out easily later. The passenger, unfamiliar with the car, instead flipped the metal latch that grabs the U-shaped receiver on the car's frame. It clicked into place. Now, the door cannot be closed and the child lock will not disengage. Neither interior nor exterior door handle will open the latch. I went out to my car to replicate, but mine disengaged from the same setup with no problems. I foresee a door disassemble in my immediate future. I haven't seen the thing yet, but she's on her way home now, door ajar and everything. Anybody have any ideas?
I would find a BAS (big a$$ screwdriver) and use it to pull or twist the latch (the part that actually grabs the loop mounted on the door sill) while manipulating the inside or outside handle. I'm thinking that the latch is in a position that it wouldn't be in when operated normally.
Maybe the child lock is on, try to undo that and then try to work the inside door handle to see if it unlatches. Like the post above, maybe a little help with a screw driver might be needed. Good luck
Well, it turns out they decided to have one more go at fixing it, and used the pry-bar part of the tire lever. (I.E. a BAS ) Whatever they did, amongst all sorts of rain-dances with the latch handle, the door locks, and the key fob, they got it to release. So, I never got to see it. Oh, well. All's well that ends well. Peacekeeper: The child lock was definitely on. That was part of the issue, it seemed. I'll never know for sure what happened, unless it happens again. (crosses fingers, stands on one foot, knocks on wood, ect.)
I know what the OP is talking about. On every other car i have seen you just have to pull the door handle, and it will release the part your talking about. Your talking about the part in the door that latches around the U thingy on the door frame. So the person just flipped it closed, so just like if the door is closed and the hook is latched around the U thingy, just pull the handle.