While the Prius is moving in the Drive gear, can a driver accidently move the gear shifter to Park? Just wondering how Prius prevents this. Thanks.
you'd have to accidentally push the P button as there is no way to get into Park from the shifter as far as i know, but i've only had my prius for one week...
If you accidentally press Park at speed then the car will just go to Neutral. I know as I did this myself when I thought I was pressing 'Auto' on the a/c. Apparantly pressing Park below 10mph will engage park and is not recommended for the good health of your transmission or wallet!
How about the Reverse gear? Will you be able to shift into it while driving? Everything is so electronic and I am still overwhelmed with the features in the car. I can just sit in there for hours playing with everything
Reverse is the same as Park if you're traveling above a few mph the car will immediately shift to Neutral if Park or Reverse are pressed/selected. No damage is done. In fact the quickest way to Neutral when moving is by pressing Park since when shifting to Neutral you must hold the lever for a second or two. Park shifts instantly to Neutral.
here is a operation schema, unfortunately it is in Czech language, but Google translate will help in case of need.