While using the Zaino Clay bar, I managed to put a clear coat scratch on the hood. While I'm not bitter w/ Zaino, I'd like to know if anyone has any advise on how to get it out? Is there a way? Or I'm I doomed to see my F@#$ up everytime I look at car's hood? Thanks, RobotMan
Robotman, I just received my Zaino Total Protection Show Car Kit. I've never used Zaino before so please tell me how you scratched your finish or provide some suggestions so that I can avoid doing the same. Thanks, Oswaldo
Several members have reccomended Lanka, I haven't used it but here is their link: http://www.langka.com/index.cfm?page=products.cfm&cat=79
I scratched the clear coat on my black 05. My nephew is a 21 year old certified paint and body guy. He suggested I use wax and buff it out. It was magic. The scratches disappeared instantly. B)
Well, the solution is either to repaint your car, or wax it, or something in between. Saying you're got a "scratch" on your hood is so vague it's all but useless. How deep? All the way through the clearcoat? Through the base coat? All the way to bare metal? How long? Have you tried putting anything on it already? What effect did it have? Without knowing more information it's impossible, and irresponsible to suggest a course of action. For you to put any kind of scratch in your clearcoat two things must have gone wrong: 1) Technique: claying is done with light finger pressure and plenty of lubricant, so to scratch your paint you must have been doing one or both wrong 2) Contaminants: Unless the clay came from the manufacturer contaminated (which I highly doubt), you must have dropped or otherwise contaminated your clay, and continued to use it without folding it to expose a contaminant-free surface. Regardless of how the scratch got there, it could have been avoided with proper technique. You might want to rethink claying your car yourself next time. What made you think it needed claying in the first place?