I just realized this a.m. that there is no hazard light button, or have I just overlooked it? The Prius has no hazard lights? I am at work and don't have my manual to look it up here. If I get no responses, I'll check it out later. Thanks, June
I don't have my Prius yet, but isn't it The Big round Button, With the red Triangle next to the shifter. http://cache-02.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/gallery/4/2009/01/medium_3193549856_5c5ebd0298_o.jpg Isn't that it? Russ
I will check later, and boy, if it's there I will really feel like an idiot for not seeing it Thanks, June
Sorry, everybody, idiot here, guess I had a blind spot when looking at my dash this a.m. Will be more careful before I post next time. June
No worries, June. Same thing happened to me, on 'more' than one occasion. Guess that's what happens to some folks who've come to expect the hazard switch on/near the steering wheel.
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes you need just one word and the other 999 provide too much camoflage. The button should say HAZARD on it (and if they also want to include the triangle picture, so much the better)
Below the PWR MODE button to the right of the joystick. June, better to look like an idiot here than at the dealer's service dept. (We don't keep score.) On the + side, your car doesn't have a problem.
The small child in the picture to the left has no problem finding the hazard light button. It's his favorite. Daddy's favorite button is the power mode.
Don't sweat it. Perhaps you were looking for the Dukes of Hazzard light? Uncle Jessy had that removed. Questions are what get answered here. Just make sure when you are saddling up your horses you've got the holdy thing facing towards horse part that has teeth.