Now that I know all that I do, I can't derive the same dark enjoyment from the Darwin Awards I normally do. At least not this one.
I'm usually a big fan of the Darwin awards, chuckling at the different winners. Well, it's a little different now, isn't it. Not so funny right now. On a positive note, I think I'm pretty much back to normal (normal being a stretch). I was actually driving along I-4 just before where it happened back in mid December when the memory of the actual impact suddenly cam back to me. It was rather strange. The memory seemed oddly surreal, as though it was something out of a movie I had seen or something. I was told by a professional that it was perfectly normal for that to happen. It's a form of protection on the most basic levels of consciousness that keeps something from being totally overwhelming. The strangest part was that it was almost anticlimactic. It just popped into my head and I just sorta thought, "Oh, so that's what happened." Of course it still bothers me from time to time, but not in any way like it did for the first few months. I can't believe it's already been over 4 months since it happened. It is by no means a distant memory yet. Anyway, I'm just glad all the investigations are all done and I don't need to deal with that part of it any more. Thanks to everyone for all their words of support. On the bad days I did come back on and read them over and over. They did help. Sometimes telling yourself that it wasn't your fault isn't enough, you just can't fully believe it. You always wonder if there was something you could have done. Sometimes you need it to be hammered home for it to sink in. Thanks again.
Glad to see everything's going smoothly! On a side note (your sig triggered my memory), I saw a Navigator L at the local Ford store. HOLY CRAP! haha. It was parked next to a Navigator, parked next to an Escalade. That "L"..... yeesh. I'm speechless. I thought the Navigator was big. Yeah that's all I wanted to say
Hey, Bjorn. Welcome back, even if it is just for a visit. It's good to hear you're doing alright. Yeah, so maybe normal is a stretch, but that would apply to most of us.
Hi all. Well, I'm back for a visit, and to give a final update on this situation. Couldn't really comment on it for a long time, as I ended up being sued by the family of one of the girls. Yep, they tried to blame it on me... Had been a while since the accident, when I was served notice of a wrongful death lawsuit. Demanding $1.5 million ($500k for mom, dad, and the deceased). Yes, couldn't believe it myself. Well long story short, after the evidence was collected, accident reports filed, and depositions taken, they eventually realized they had nothing, and as of this month, the case has been dismissed. Why it took so long to be dismissed, or that it had been filed in the first place is beyond me... But this chapter of my life is finally over.
I'm glad the legal mess is over. It was a pretty horrific accident but there was nothing to indicate culpability. Yet I see pedestrians doing equally foolish acts at least two or three times per year. So your ride today is a Lincoln? I don't know if you knew the 2010 Prius (ZVW30) meets the European, pedestrian safety standard. The hood, quarter panels and bumper are designed to minimize pedestrian injuries compared to the previous models. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Hey doc! Welcome back! I hope you're doing well. I am shocked that they even tried a lawsuit (esp. after what you described.. and I still remember it without having to go back to the first page...). Good that the lawsuit has been dropped (honestly, what evidence is there?? they crossed an interstate...) How's the 'gator doing?
Hey Doc, good to see you. Glad to hear things are going well. Honestly I'm not surprised about the lawsuit, for a lot of family members in situations like that its easier to villify than to accept that your loved one made a poor choice that lead to their demise. Thank God you got a sane judge...