I will never understand why people think they are entitled to two parking spaces just because they have a car they consider to be nicer than everyone elses. While I would never damage anyone elses ride, it is not hard to imagine that there are plenty of people who will. I park far away whenever I can, but in one parking space, no matter how much I think another space is not likely to be used. It is common courtesy. And probably safer too.
Away from home I always park in the lower 40 and against a curb if I can find one. At home I always park in the garage or carport. My wife does the same thing. Drives our kids nuts. But now that they are starting to buy new cars of their own, they are reluctant to say that they are now doing the same
Well, it's obvious my "Humor" emoticon went completely unnoticed by you... Nope, no irony invilved here at all. When I'm in my beater I do not worry about the heavy metal doors getting dinged. And please see that I said "Tempted" when referring to retaliatory dings. Sigh... Attempts at humor are no fun when you have to explain it.
Gosh, this thread really makes me think twice about going to Walmart tomorrow! I am still looking for the spot closest to the door while getting groceries, but don't trust valet parking any more. When I have to see my ENT they don't give you a choice, it is valet or nothing, and I almost got into an argument about that the other day. I ended up parking in the side street a few blocks away. The first time I had them valet the car, but didn't even think about the key being in my purse. I never realized that they can drive the car without the key! They parked it but had to ask for the key when I returned. I don't now, but I really hate valet parking since I got my brand new car. At home, I traded the weird maneuver intensive spot in our driveway with my husband, just because there is no nasty big messy tree there shedding on my prius
At home - In the garage At office - The last parking space in the corner so that most of the time no one parks beside me. I also put up my sunshade to avoid the car getting too hot. Other places - I tend to park away from the crowd just to avoid any dings.
My Prius is a taxi so I park anywhere I d**n well please! Anyhow, isn't that what your hazard lights are for?
I've known people to get their tires slashed for being so obnoxious as to take up two spaces in a parking lot. Sounds like you got off light.
The meter maids that I've known are always appreciative of people who park illegally and turn on their hazards. It makes it much easier to find (and ticket) them.
That's where my charm and gift of the gab comes into play Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! I always make an effort of being friendly with them and it works, so long as I don't push my luck.
the parking at my work is tiny. I park a few mm away from the wall to allow other cars to be able to pass. (I got a few scratches from that). I have no other choice. IAt home I have my own garage anywhere else I just park wherever I find space. If theres another prius I will try to park next to it just for the fun of it
not to mention, the a/cs drip onto my car's roof al day long and they make it look so filthy and dirty
Where do I park...outside at home and live in a townhome.....but when I shop I look for spaces that only leave one door exposed and I try to make sure it is my driver's door so I see it when I get in and out. At shopping malls and parking structures, I park as far away as I can to prevent those non-drivers from dinging up my new car. So far so good....
I have a garage and hardly ever drive it to work. It is quicker for my to ride my bike to work than drive my car. In rain, I walk. In parking lots, I look for places that don't have a lot of other cars around.
Heat from the sun hits the car at frequency #1 and in so doing, the frequency changes. 1st frequency penetrates = 2nd frequency doesn't so the heat accumulates. Sunshades do not work. Lenny D.
I bought my car about a month ago, and when it comes to parking, it varies. At home, it *always* goes in the garage, period. In parking lots, I'm sometimes careful and park a good distance away, especially if there are shopping carts around. Other times, not so much. I've been lucky so far, but reading this thread may make me more careful. More than anything, I'm concerned about driving to campus when my semester starts in a couple of weeks. We have a serious parking shortage on campus, and with the lots constantly full of people driving around in a hurry to park & get to class on time, I wonder if I might be better off driving my beater, at least until New Car Syndrome subsides a bit... On a related note, driving my Prius on campus makes me nervous for another reason: I find the car notoriously difficult to see out of when backing up (my only complaint about it so far), and on a campus filled with students walking everywhere (and often not watching where they're going), I'm a bit concerned about backing out of spaces. It seems slightly dangerous. Anyone else have this thought/concern?