Overall, I love this car and am enjoying its many attributes including its technology and gas mileage. But, as pointed out on numerous posts and threads, are the car's numerous creaks and rattles. Not being an engineer, I'm not sure if this would amount to better sound-proofing or sound-deadening materials or a partial re-design of certain components.
Re creaks and rattles... first this is NOT to be 'in your face' to those owners that have issues in this regard. Mine was built in May '09 - delivered last July. Serial number under #2000. Now has 10,000 virtually trouble-free miles. Only time in the dealer was one trip for the brake recall/fix, oil change, and a repair to the driver's lumbar area (a creak). Other than that mine has no creaks or rattles - and I am very picky in that regard. Now, if I press or squeeze around the console area I can make noises. But normally -phew- it's all quiet. It's probably a matter of time though. With all the seemingly creaky plastic joints inside the car.... If I could change one thing in my Prius it would be the plasticky interior, especially the console area. And the dash top has been a dust/lint catcher since mile 10. But this all said, that's about it. It's a very nice vehicle and I'm completely satisfied that I switched to a Hybrid - and that it's a '10 Prius. And glad there seemingly will not be many changes, especially cosmetic, to the 2011 model. We all would prefer our investment to be fresh.
Mine was built in 7/09. The squeaks and rattles are intermittent, didn't develop till over 3000 mi., and seem to be related to the outside temperature. I thought I was fortunate before they developed, so for those going forward who don't have the problem, count yourself lucky.
build date 06/10. I hear nothing. they must've worked out the kinks by now this late in the production stage.
It's not as bad as I thought it would be! reading all the posts on Priuschat after the GenIII came out. Not any worse than any other car I have owned they all had creaks and rattles
Summarizing the million posts here on rattles, here are the most prevalent: 1) Lower glove box Fix: put plumbers grease on internal plastic latches, hinges, and on the black plastic damper pivot points (right side). 2) Intersection between sky-bridge console and storage console Fix: cut a 2 foot length of twine and thread under the intersection. With fingers, put some plumbers grease on twine and "floss" it into intersection carefully so as to not get any on the cloth. Wipe off excess. 3) When keeping rear seats folded down, do not fold down the headrests, they rattle. 4) Rear license plate. Fix: using velcro or double-stick pads, secure lower plate to car body.
Thanks! I cut & pasted this into a sheet in my gas mileage/maintenance spreadsheet so I can find it when I need it.
You're welcome. I did the floss thing all the way around the console intersection as there's a hidden round hub in there you can't see. Again, plumbers grease is silicon so it is compatible with plastic, but it will stain the cloth so be careful using it.