My Prius is almost 3 months old and I'm still in the "New Car Mode" of parking. I will go to the back of the lot of necessary to find a safe place to park. I really hate to lose the pristine look of a car with no dings on it! Am I being OCD about this or are other Prius owners being careful about whre they park...
It is sad that we have to do that at all. Since I don't have a lot of choices, I tend to park next to nicer and more expensive cars. So far no dings after a year. :0
The parking lot at my work is surrounded with trees and by the end of the day, every car is COVERED in pollen. Now I park in the back parking lot where there are no trees, but no shade either It's also less convenient cause I have to walk through a warehouse to get to my office LOL. They always stare at me.... EDIT: I've also had my Prius bumper HIT in the parking lot 2 months ago, that is also why I've moved my parking area. Didnt leave a note or anything. Pretty deep scratch and bent plastic.
it's been soooooooooooo long since i tried to keep a new car new. now, i try to enjoy the interior, the tech, the ride and the mpg. good luck with your paint!
I park as far away from everyone else as possible. At work along the back row we practice alternate space parking.
I always take the time to park out in "Left Field" while at the big box stores and shopping malls. The extra walking is good for me and I never have to drive around looking for a spot. I do enjoy taking my old beater '75 Chevy pickup to the parking lots though. I park up close and even in tight spots. I'm tempted to even get a few retaliatory dings in...
I'm lucky to have a garage, so my 08 is safe during the night. However, I have bad memories of a nasty dent (shopping cart?) in the door of my last brand new vehicle. So, when I am at a store parking lot, I park away from other vehicles (the lots I use are rarely full). Two and a half years and no dings (but I know it is just a matter of time). Good luck!!
I park pretty far out and walk a ways into the grocery store. One time I parked much closer and it was busy. Sure enough, I come out and a huge SUV is less than 2 ft. from my passengers door. Be careful if you park with the nose of the car down since doors can swing open faster. Also park carefully on very windy days as a door can blow open fast into yours. 2 years and 12,300 miles, no dents. Knock on wood.
In my observation, it seems that many large SUV drivers do not care where they park in relation to other cars. Maybe I just notice them more, but I see them angled in the stall, parked over the line or squeezed into a stall preventing the person parked on their right from even being able to access the drivers door. I often park in the underground lot of our grocery store and deliberately park very close to one of the cement supports, on the right. This allows alot of extra room on the left, yet still have people (I have only observed women doing this) who still park close to my car, even over the line. I am thinking of making up some signs to leave on their front windshields, but I get the feeling they probably wouldn't notice it.
I take my Mom to her doctor's appointments and use my Wife's Maxima because the parking is very tight. Several visits ago I came out and discovered someone parked so close to the drivers side that I could not even open the door. It was maybe 5 inches away! Had to use the passenger side and crawl over the console! I don't understand how some people get a license......
I suspect this is a consequence of their huge turning radii, and poor side visibility that hides the lines. I will back out my cars to straighten up. But many SUVs have too poor rear visibility to safely back up far enough, and too poor side visibility to see the lines when they try.
i've been OCD as well. don't worry, this is your new car, and its a nice car too that you expect to keep for awhile. baby it as long as you want. i park in the garage, i've cleaned the windows at the first sign of a smudge, and i've washed the car like 3 times ever since i've bought it 2 weeks ago. i've even vacuumed the inside 10 times and i haven't let anyone put their feet up in the dash to rest lol.
I am thinking about purchasing a used Book Mobile to park in these tight parking areas. I will identify large vehicles poorly parked and will always park very close to the driver's side.
You're response is so ironic. You park far away when you have your prius yet you don't care where you park and what happens to the car next to you when you have your so called beater car.
Wherever I go, I always park in East Bumf@#*k, Egypt. It's harder on the shoes, but easier on the metal.
I used to park it in a corner as far away from civilization as possible, but I stopped doing that after hearing what happened to a friend of mine. She did the same sort of thing with her brand new saab. On one faithful wintery day, during a very heavy snow storm, her car got plowed into because the plow operator didn't notice her car under the mounds and mounds of snow. I guess the morale of the story is, its always safer in groups, and that goes for cars as well.
Our Prius is 1 year old, and we still park in the back of the lots at the large stores and walk the long distances to keep our Prius scratch-free. However, just last week, I parked in an open spot right in front of a Lowes. Coming out of the store, a shopping cart someone left began rolling toward the side of our Prius, and I had to run to stop it from hitting the Prius. It looks as if I'll get exercise no matter where I park. One parking place will require long-distance running, and the other will require wind sprints.
At home it is garaged over night or parked under a tree on the cul-de-sac if I'm doing garage things and need the room. At public lots it is parked in the back 40, diagonally if the lot is pretty good size, taking 2 stalls. I did just that in a Sears lot a month ago, back in the corner, leaving a stall between me and another nice paint job. When I came out of the store I noticed the dip sh]t had hocked a loogey on the driver's door. I figured security in numbers parking there--wrong. Only security is back in the garage I guess. It has been 4 months now and so-far, no-dings:cheer2: