Welcome and congratulations. Just enjoy the ride and don't worry about all the weird noises. Oh yes, forgot, read your owner's manual cover to cover. It is worth the time.
congrats. 4 miles huh? damn, mine came with 24 miles on it =( a] no hard braking for 200 miles. preferably no hard braking ever. When breaking, try breaking early and make sure the charge meter doesn't fill up completely. As long as its not full, its using regenerative braking and not the pads to slow down b] no cruise control for 600 miles. don't want you maintaining the same speed! c] don't change your oil until 10,000 mi. or if you want check the breakin at 1000 mi and then go to 10,000. Toyota 0W-20 is a full synthetic, so don't worry it'll be fine d] good thing you got a prius II. Easier to upgrade the sound system without that JBL system in the way. can't think of anything else. welcome!
Don't be suprised to look out in your garage in the middle of the night and seeing your Prius moving forward and back an inch or so. The computer is always on and always doing routine chores. It is just checking the brakes.
Do not worry about mileage the first tank, somehow the dealership always messes with the first tank mileage. Do not worry about mileage the second tank, Be learning your controls, your visibility and what the heck are those odd noises. Keep reading the owners manual, to fall asleep to. This one is more lively: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more as you have a 2010 some details will be wrong, but the philosophy is good.
I have a question. When i come to a full stop at a light, if i hold the brake in all the way for around 3-5 seconds VSC light comes on. However if i only have a gentle push on the brake nothing happens. Is this normal? (maybe i'm just used to keeping the brake held hard down at lights). Other then that i am LOVING my prius, one of the best buys i've ever made.
Yes it is normal. It is the hill-assist. If you haven't, read the manual all the way through... it is very informative.