While on a project today I met an engineer that was recently laid off from GM. As you would expect an automobile discussion followed and I was surprized to hear him say that the new Chevy Volt is made with a Prius Uni-Body! In fact, he said they are probably made on the same assembly line. Has anyone else heard this?
I've heard the Volt structure described as a skate-board...it is built around a T shaped tunnel that holds the Battery and is quite unique (though designed to ultimately accomodate a variety of bodies and styles)...It is a big part of the huge development costs that went into this vehicle...It is probably not in any way derived from the Prius structure. Was your new friend perhaps on the cleaning staff?
"Was your new friend perhaps on the cleaning staff?" LOL...be kind to the janitors. This guy is a mechanical engineer and was very proud of his time GM. I've owned a few Chevy Suburbans and his comments about the burb were accurate. I was surprised to hear him say that GM & Toyota worked on several projects together. I did some research and could find nothing about the Prius uni-body which is why I asked here. After looking at the newest Volts it seems the size,width and liftback are very simular to my Prius. Remember folks, if it's true....you heard it first.... right here on PriusChat.
Volt is Delta II, like the Astra, Cruze, and upcoming Zafira. Think your friend is a little confused...
I just dropped the question to GM. If I get a reply with any information I'll share it here. After all, I am part owner of the company.
The skateboard was designed for multiple vehicles, but really cant be used for anything other than the Volt. The size/power constraints limit it, to designs that all look like the current volt.
Update - my response from GM was frankly what I expected. A boiler plate response that didn't answer my question or have ANYTHING to do with my question. Somehow I think computers must read the email at GM and then generate an automatic response. But, I can't rule out the response was made by a really dumb human.
The Toyota Matrix & Pontiac Vibe were built at the same plant. GM used it as a learning tool to help "understand" the Japanese way of doing things. They did in fact learn a lot even though they ended the relationship early. Ford uses the HSD from Toyota in the Escape & Fusion, they just tweak the software to work they way they prefer. Sometimes reinventing the wheel is NOT the best way to do things. It is in fact extremely common for manufacturers to work together, they just don't always make it public. The Volt is NOT built on a Prius unibody. No way no how.
It began long before the matrix/vibe. The toyota/GM "partnership" started at the NUMMI plant in california in the mid 80's. Toyota came to show GM how to build a quality car, and GM was too proud to take any of toyota's lessons seriously. its a pretty interesting relationship, one where GM very easily could have changed it's fate for the better had they simply pulled their heads out of their butts.
Hm, gasoline engine assisting an electric motor? i wonder where chevy got that magical idea from. ok i know the gas motor is small and meant for recharging batteries only, but its still a hilarious similarity.
Funny - Ford will deny using Toyota's HSD (or more specifically, licensing the technology in it's entirety) - what they do use is the ASIN branded PSD transmission which was likely developed by Toyota. The electronics behind it (inverter, etc.), however, are pure Ford. This is different from Nissan who did license THS (Gen I Prius tech) for the Altima.
Seems to me Comrade Obama is doing everything possible to cripple Toyota. I can't imagine his car companies would use a Toyota frame or any thing else.
Yes the early geo prisims were just licensed toyota corollas because GM couldn't figure out how to make a small, reliable, and fuel efficient car. i don't think they figured it out yet.
I think it had more to do with GM paying their employies that build the cars twice as much as Toyota did. And 10k cars don't have much profit in them anyways, so that 1k profit Toyota got GM paid it to the workers plus some thus loosing money on each car. Ford got the idea build the focus in mexico and pay 1-3$ an hour, then they can compete with Toyota.
Ford and Toyota both use an eCVT PSD. CVT's have been around a hundred years. The Ford and Toyota transmission architecture is very different. Neither invented the hybrid. They have cross licensed patents. They both just settled a patent suit from a company that claimed the invention.