Cedar Hill Enrichment Center (north Forsyth County/Gainesville, GA) is hosting THE FRESH GREEN RIDE on 9/25/10 to raise awareness about eco and $$$ friendly cars. The Toyota Prius is our targeted car for this year's event. We are located in the north-metro area of Atlanta, GA - Drivers are welcome from anywhere in the country. Enjoy the beautiful north GA mountains on a day of festivities and eco-awareness. AND enjoy showing off your RIDE with the public, explaining the benefits of owning an eco-friendly vehicle and pointing out any modifications or upgrades you may have made to enhance fuel performance. (* other eco-responsible cars beside's the Prius will be welcome in this event, although the Prius is specifically targeted.) For more information ask here or email us at: Thanks for driving GREEN! Sherry FreshGreenRide - Twitter CedarHillCenter - Twitter
hey, thanks for the message. i, unfortunately will be tooling around n. america in the prius on vacation that day..trip from atl. to nova scotia and visiting folks in between. best of luck and ill make one in the future for sure.