Anyone know why the drivers side headlamp on my '05 keeps burning out? I have replaced this twice in the last 8 months or so and now its out again.
Are they HID? If any oily surface, including clean bare skin, ever touches an HID bulb it will soon fail. They should be handled only with clean gloves (preferably new plastic ones).
Thanks, They are not HID and I used my surgical gloves so as not to leave oil on the bulb. Could a voltage or grounding issue cause something like this? If there was a short would that affect both headlights?
Uhh... hmm. Any signs of a leak into the lamp housing? If not then I could only guess some flaw in the wiring to that connector.
What kind of halogen bulb are you replacing with. Some last longer than others. The Xtremely bright ones last less than a year.
I am just using the generic Sylvania bulb from the auto parts store. I guess I'll try a different brand..
I recommend Philips Vision for super long life. Vision Plus for 30% more light but at the expense of bulb life.