I don't know what the etiquette is re cross posting between forums. If this is inappropriate, Keith or Mods, please remove this and accept my apologies. All I know is, everyone is trying to raise the funds to help this poor dog. Jonny Walker is a lovely pup in Louisiana. A stray, he was adopted by 3 families. Two days ago, 2 kids enticed him off the porch. A 3rd kid hit him repeatedly with a baseball bat. Jonny's jaw is broken in 2 places. Metal plates will be inserted. Law enforcement IS involved. Meantime, if anyone can lend a dollar or two, here is the vet info: If anyone wishes to make a donation they can contact the Staff at Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center 2611 Florida St Mandeville, La 70448 Phone (985) 626-4862 reference name Jonny Walker Here is a link to the source of this story, warning it includes some graphic photos. Helping Jonny Walker - Pet Talk I am not going to update this thread, as the link above is the source and info is flowing in rapidly. They need $3,000 for the vet to do the surgery; last total I saw on the source thread was $1600. A local SPCA is trying to get them to do the surgery and worry about the funding later. PLEASE CROSS POST WHERE YOU CAN!
Thank you! Jonny Walker made it through his surgery! He has 2 metal plates in his jaws. He ate 1 1/2 cups of pureed food today, and wagged his tail! :cheer2: The Sheriff issued a press release; 4 kids involved, 3 arrested; the 7 year old cannot be charged criminally under Louisiana law. His parents have been advised and recommended that they get him counseling. The ones arrested are all juveniles: ages 13, 16 and 17. Funds AND PRAYERS are still needed. JW has a long recovery, waiting to see if the plates settled, messing up his alignment, or if there is rejection by his system, etc.