Logical guess, and bingo, you are right. The correct answer is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada to Boston, MA, USA.
Here is that picture of bike in trunk with rear seats up. I wish the trunk lining is black like my Passat or at least a darker color that will conceal dirt and grease. I had to wrap the crank, chain and derailleur to keep the back free of chain marks. Shoes, helmet (yeah that fits too,) and the rest of supply goes into the storage bin under the cover.
Okay, I went ahead and made a little video, which I put on youtube, on how to put a bicycle in the Prius without needing to take the tires off. Putting in standard lumber and folding the front seat flat: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkVQA0bRM-g&feature=channel"]YouTube - Putting long items in the Prius[/ame]
Only part I don't agree with in the OP is the "little" part of the Prius. The Prius is a mid-sized car. It fits more than almost any other mid-sized car, and WAY more than any "little" car. Now, for bicycles. No problem fitting TWO full-sized 700c-tired bikes in the back without removing anything. My bike is a 56 cm, and the other is a 54 cm. It takes me about 20 seconds to load or unload. By myself. There's really no mystery here. Bikes come out 100% ready to ride. I can fit a third bike on top of the pile if I take the front wheel off. First bike goes in: Then a blanket and the second bike, the other way around, on top:
Well, folding the rear seat down for me involves first taking out a firmly latched toddler carseat. That is always an option, but I am better off with removing wheels on my bike. Besides, that's why Tullio Campagnolo invented the quick release skewer for anyway. @darelldd: very clean looking chains... always a good sign.
Good sign of what? I subscribe to the theory than a clean desk is a sign of an empty mind I do maintain my bike a bit, but dirt normally stays on. When it gets too dirty it starts flaking off anyway. I've ridden 300-500 miles a year for 15 years on this bike and it's still in pretty good shape (a few years in the middle I might've only put 100 miles on). I have a hybrid, which I've taken off-road quite a bit. Not a true mtn bike, but takes up at least as much room in the Prius as one.