Hello Everybody! Just wanted to say hi. I signed my 12k/36mo lease yesterday on the 2010 Gray Prius II . Loving the car 2nd day in. The cockpit makes me feel like I'm driving a spaceship. Really loving EV mode while driving in the city. All auto down windows standard is very cool. Keep up the good work Toyota! Thank you Ardmore Toyota for the great service and free bottle of sparkling cider.
I have had my 2010 gray since April have have over 5K in miles Love it and never looked back getting rid of my Nissan Xterra Good Luck Sushiman
Right about the auto windows. I thought it was cool too. We ended up leasing too since the deal was too good to pass up with 0 down and just the trade-in worth 2k. The rent charge ended up being only 120 bucks. Ridiculous. So that and we're hoping a better car comes out in 3 years like the Volt getting cheaper or step up to get another Prius with the solar package. Enjoy the car! It's great not having to pay so much for gas.
jdcollins: Gray all the way. Sushiman: I have no buyers remorse at all. This is my first brand new car and I couldn;t be happier. Kazak: HOLY COW. Thats a low payment. I thought I had a good deal....(I still think I do ), but wowzers your deal is superb) I feel the same way about the lease. 12k/36mo 220 a month. 800 down.
We got exactly the car we wanted at the monthly payment we wanted. Drove in with a POS KIA Spectra (reliable car with good mpg but man comestic quality on that thing is comical) and drove home with a Prius III. what was your money factor?
Our salesman was a newbie. The first offer I got from them listed .00008 in money factor but the monthly including taxes came out to $290. So I had them recalculate and came back with 255 which added up to what I thought it should've been. Anyways, I think we got in on our Prius at the right time with the current Toyota specials.