After a week of ownership I had my first close call in a parking lot. While approaching a parking spot in the Safeway lot I had a guy step right in front of me. It was running on battery and there was probably enough background noise to mask the sound of the tires. He was walking ahead of me with his back toward me and he suddenly angled left. Since I was only going about 5 mph it was no big deal. Scared the sh*t out of him.
We had a fire drill at work yesterday. The weather was in the 50s F and when I got outside I sat in my car listening to the radio. One of the guys - a good friend - walked behind me acting like I was about to run him over. So without thinking much, I dropped it into reversed and backup up a few inches. OH MY GOD!!! Since there was no engine noise, he NEVER expected the car to lunge. When it did, he threw himself to the side as though he was dodging an oncoming train. I shut Priapus down and got out. He was freaked out. Some of the guys were laughing so I wasn't exactly sure if he was angered that the car lunged or because of their laughter. Either way, I don't think I'm going to play that game again.
Similar thing happened to me twice yesterday. One time I nearly flattened the cart return guy at the grocery store. Then as I drove into my parking area at home, I followed one of the maintenance guys for what seems like an eternity. I did not want to honk for fear of scaring him to death. You should have seen the look on his face as he turned around and saw me when his buddy told him to get out of the way.
that happened to me when I was at the grocery store. i was coasting down a slight grade when this guy ran out in front of my car lol i had to lock the brakes up just to make a small squeak to not hit him. scared the crap out of him lol.