Weird...using a work computer and IE it opens right up no problem. I just wonder if there's something with Chrome and FF and the settings I have that are blocking the site as spam/malware or something. And using my laptop on my work ISP doesn't change anything...can't open it.
Either this afternoon, or tomorrow morning, I'll get a chance to hold/play with a couple of eReaders. Thanks for all the help! :thumb:
Okay... today, after looking at/handling eReaders, I decided on the Nook. Why? Well, it has WiFi, and it is a bit less than the Sony, and it includes an AC adapter for charging. The Sony only has the USB, and you have to buy the AC adapter extra. Sheeeesh. Also, looking at the display, the Sony is not nearly as clear/contrasty as the Nook. Thanks, all.
I'm not an expert, but I do understand what they are talking about w/r/t forum spam: I used to post comments sometimes in MacDailyNews, but I haven't posted in a couple of years - but the spambots have now infiltrated the old forum topics and now everyone who has subscribed to that topic gets a spam message about writing a thesis topic or some other useless service. I get one or two of these notifications a day about new posts on long dead threads on that forum.
i use Chrome for EVERYTHING except my employers' extranet site. it only uses IE. its the only way i can apply for vacations, check my paystub, etc...
Going into the thread, your position was: This is why you really have to try a prospective technology item out before buying. Otherwise, an attribute that may seem important may not be and vice-versa. I am glad you took the time to check out the different candidates.
This is why I brought my question HERE, so I could get the views of others to help me think of important points..
There are other ways around that, though... You don't see that same thing happening here at PC all the time. All it really takes is required registration to comment on the forums, OCR ("type in the characters in this image") at registration, and require e-mail verification before being granted posting permissions. Suddenly, it becomes a difficult problem for spambots.
I think you'll enjoy it. Be sure to "Like" the Nook page on FB so you get the 'free fridays' reminders--they give away a free ebook every Friday. Also, as soon as you have a chance and can spend a little time take your nook to a B&N--in store there are a bunch of free books you can download--but only in the store. So, usually you can get a free coffee by just showing your nook at the coffee counter, then sit down and start downloading your free books. I find that only thing that's annoying for me is how slow the touch screen is to respond, but with the wifi it was the best option for me for international travel...and you should still be able to download the books from your library to read--something the Kindle could not do when I bought my Nook.
Kindle here and I love it....Nook never even reached my radar screen for consideration and the Sony was okay just not what I wanted. Good luck.
Actually, it probably is. Kindle does not support the open source 'epub' format.which libraries use, since it is free. I believe there are software packages that will allow you to convert a book from epub into other formats, but it kind of eliminates the convenience factor. I would also stay away from the iPad if you don't want to do anything other than read. No sense paying for lots of extras if you don't want them
Rae, et al, Forgot to mention that the other thing I liked was the ease with which you can add an expansion card for memory in the Nook. I already increased mine from 2GB to 10GB with a $10 micro-SD card. Should hold enough books for a lifetime. AFAIK, the Kindle doesn't do that and I don't know if the Sony does or not. And doing that allows me to, without hesitation, download a ton of books such as this large selection of free e-books that B&N offers: Free eBooks - Barnes & Noble I expect to be able to build quite a large library over time.
You are correct Tony, the Kindle doesn't support any sort of add-on memory pack. However, mine (the DX) can hold around 3500 books. By the time I accumulate more eBooks than that, I would fully expect to be on my second, third, or even fourth Kindle. Lets face it, no one expects these things to last forever - If i get 5 years out of it before upgrading, I'll be happy.
Okay, I signed up for a month at There are, indeed, a whole lot of best sellers to "borrow"... and all the "insider" threads (only available if you pay a membership) reiterate that the publishers get royalties, and that the books are "yours to keep" as long as you are subscribed. So, it is much like a lending library for members, NOT piracy. The first two books I downloaded "paid" for my trial month... both books I seriously wanted to read, and didn't want to have to wait for in paperback. Downloading and transferring to the Nook was fairly straightforward. Just thought I'd let everyone know that, in case you were curious about it...
What caught my eye with the Kindle is the ability to make annotations in your ebooks, and now it seems they can convert your PDFs to their ebook format for free now, so I take advantage of the annotation feature with them now. Wasn't possible when I looked 6 months ago. Is this possible with the Nook? Couldn't find an answer with the quick look I had through its product pages.
I went with the Nook as well, and in fact also did what you did, the local Target sells both the Sony and Kindle, and the B&N next door. The WiFi and the ability to add memory were the key sellers for me. I got the $149 version without the 3G, I didn't think the 3G was worth the extra $50
If you are interested in SciFi e-books, might want to take a look at Baen books there have quite a few free books, often 1st of a series or a new author.